"Hold on a sec, Wendy," I said, and I pulled the phone away from my ear. "Excuse me?"
My neighbor stepped all the way onto her porch and closed the screen door. A large woman with a somewhat gray face and closely-cropped hair, she placed a hand over her large bosom and said, "When I was taking the trash out yesterday, your dog barked at me and scared me half to death."
"Oh," I said. "That's Louie. He acts tough but he's not vicious."
"You could have fooled me. The way he charged that fence! And his barking! Where is he? Is he in the yard?"
I smiled. "No. He's inside, right here," I said, pointing at the screen door.
"Okay," she said. "I was just checking." And she went back inside, ostensibly to walk through the house and out her back door to the trash area. Happy journey, Matilda. (I don't know her name yet, but she looks like she could rock the "Matilda" gloss.)
So was met the Neighbor of the North.
And I met the neighbor to the south last night. His name is Mike.
I played some basketball last night, after work, and I got home at around 9:30 or so, feeling like a Mack truck had hit me. Every joint ached and my right ankle felt like it had been twisted in a vise. Nice.
Anyway, I let Lou out and sauntered into the bathroom to drain my one-eyed python and then I changed out of my sweaty clothes into nice freshly-washed lounging wear. I started a pot o' coffee a-brewin' and I latched yet another cigarette onto my bottom lip. (I'm thinking--thinking!--of quitting the nasty habit for my birfday, March 30th. Thinking!) I grabbed a cup of coffee and I walked outside to see what Lou was up to. It had grown awfully quiet outside.
A black and white and spotted bitch ambled to my side and Lou followed soon thereafter, his tongue hanging goofily out of the corner of his mouth. What. The. Fuck? Who the hell is this?
"Who the hell are you?" I asked the dog. She sniffed at my hand and wagged her hindquarters. From the light of ther side door I could see that she was all Pit Bull. She was a cutey. But who the hell was she and whence had she come? I called her over to me and carefully grabbed her collar. No identifying tags, just a dog license. No address, no phone number. Lou swiped at her head and, again, they were off and running and playing and yipping. I wondered what I was going to do with her. Would she have to stay the night?
I figured I would go next-door and see if maybe they had a dog and maybe she'd been loose and maybe someone had assumed that she lived at my house. Enough "maybes"?
I knocked on my southern neighbors' front door. Enter Mike. Mike is an older guy--maybe in his mid-40s--and his hair is long and scraggly and he wore a concert T-shirt and a baseball cap.
"Hi," I said. "I just moved in next door. I'm Adam."
"Mike," he said. We shook hands.
"I was just wondering if you have a dog?"
"Yeah, we do," he said. "Why? Is she in your yard?"
"Kinda like a black and white Pit?"
"Yeah, that's her," said Mike.
"How'd she get in the yard?" I asked.
I learned that BoBo (?) has a penchant for jumping fences and that Mike's daughter lets the dog out and doesn't watch her closely enough. I think I've seen his daughter. She's a little black-haired number and a cell phone grows from the side of her head and she drives an Aztec with a booming bass and I think that she may be a mother. There are an awful lot of baby things over there, including, but not limited to, a baby stroller. And a baby ball.
We walked back to my yard and Mike collected BoBo and I collected Lou into the house.
Neighbors? Met.
I like the new look Adam! Looks like Louie has a buddy ;0) Good to see that your neighbors are nice...that is a bonus.
Nice blog setup, Adam. I like it.
Bobo, eh? How fun for Lou to have a playmate
Thanks, Melissas! I like the new look, too. Now if i could just master the blog roll and pictures I'd be all set. Melissa C., maybe when you're in town next, you could help me? =)
And, yeah, Lou always wants a playmate. 'Tis good.
I don't know about the flower bullets, though. =(
I already scheduled some time for linking blogs and whatnot. Consider it an early birthday present!
Thank you ever-so-much! =) That's RATHER kind of you, sees-tah! =)
I am an idiot, you see! =)
You better watch that Matilda--she seems like one likely to watch every move you make with phone in hand, just itching to call the boys in blue. ;P
You're tellin' me, Nighthawk! =) Also, her house is on the side where my stereo is. Sometimes? I like to crank Tupac and/or Cypress Hill. (Then again, other times I like to crank Mozart and/or Haydn.)
So...I'm screwed either way. ;-)
Sweet that the dog introduced herself. We've had a new black cat hunting in our backyard since we lost our dog. I like the animal friends, especially when I'm not the one paying their vet bills.
Yeah, Wacky Ma: It is nice. Hopefully they'll be able to play a bit more in the future. Hi, by the way! =o)
(I'm sorry to hear that you lost your dog. They become such members of the family and it is extremely tough to lose them.)
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