To paraphrase Metallica, I'm frozen under ice. I am immobile. I know that I am moving to a new home in--[checks watch]--10 days, but I have not even really started on packing stuff up. I have two extra-large boxes of clothes packed, but that is it. My packing method is Legion: I open the box, fold the bottom tight, slap some packing tape on it, and throw clothes in, willy-nilly. Then I close the top of the box and I call it good.
Next up: Kitchenware. I figure that I'll leave a couple plates and a couple of each of the utensils and maybe a frying pan and throw the rest in a box...and I'll call it good.
Time keeps ticking and my feet are in molasses. I need to get motivated, dammit! I need to break the ice, as it were, and get my ass into high gear. I need to go to the post office and fill out a change-of-address form and I need to call the electric company (not the TV show) and I need to inform them of the new address at which I will be living. This is not rocket science, right?
Then why the fuck am I so icy? You'd think that the opportunity to move into a nice house with a backyard for my boy Lou would cause me to leap from bed every morning with a face-splitting grin and a sense of purpose. Right? Anyone have any advice? Would crack cocaine help, in any way? How about speed? I am already addicted to caffiene up to my eyebrows, so that will not work as a motivator (unless one counts so-very frequent visits to the lavatory as motivational tools). Is there a pill that I can swallow that will combat Procrastination?
Or should I just buck up, cheerio, and get 'er done? I'll start...tomorrow. Seriously.
Vicodin makes everything better! :)
Just kidding, sort of. We are getting ready to move too and what Ive been doing is I pack 5 boxes every day and it seems to be not quite so overwhelming. The overwhelming part is my 3 year old unpacking the newly packed ones!
Go to http://www.usps.com/ for an online change of address form (Receiving Mail column). It's fast! It's easy! It's one item off your list!
Something that usually tricks me into packing is to walk around with a heavy duty garbage bag and ditch everything I don't want to move: old magazines, out-of-date aspirin, etc. Be brutal. You'll find that you're straightening and sorting as you go, and it makes the second pass (the packing pass) much easier.
What's nice with short moves is that the packing doesn't need to be professional and perfect. If it's good enough to get from Point A to Point B without breaking, you're set.
If you're anything like me, the thrill of the rush brought on by putting it off until the last minute will get you higher than a kite. Or, at least high enough to 'git er done'.
5 boxes a day, Jennchez? I think I can do that. if I did that, I would be done in two days, methinks. =)
Melissa, I'll give it a try. Thanks for the advice.
Nighthawk Nan, yes, procrastination is a stimulant. I use it liberally. Wee-hee! (huh?)
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