"I know," I say, nodding to my closed passenger window, keeping one eye on the road. "My brake light is out; I know." I paste a grin to my mug and consider the matter closed and focus on the road. I look back over. The old man is still gesturing--almost wildly--and mouthing something at his closed driver's side window. I shake my head and point to my ear. I can't hear you. Still, the old man gestures at me and at the ass-end of the van, his eyes wide.
I think to myself, Well, hell, maybe it's not just my brake light. Maybe I somehow left my back doors open and gas meters and pipes are threatening to spill out onto Evergreen Road. I glance into my rearview mirror and note with relief that both doors are securely closed--nothing is spilling, all is right with the world.
I look back at the old man. He's still got one eye on me and one eye on the road. He points to my lane. I shrug and hold out my right hand, palm up. What? He points again, more animatedly. I get it. He wants to get into my lane and, I gather, he wants me to get into his lane. A little 43-MPH lane swap.
I sigh heavily. Whatever. He zigs in front of me and I zag behind him and almost break a minivan that is turning in to the road from the shopping center parking lot. It apparently has not gotten the memo that something catastrophic is happening at the ass-end of my van. I glimpse a minivan "O" of surprise and I swerve back into my lane briefly and then back into the old man's vacated lane. What. The. Fuck?!
[Had we erroneously shut his gas off? Was his house about to blow up? Was he wondering about an application that he had--30 years previously--filled out?]
There is a stop light ahead of me and so we coast to a stop, side-by-side.
I jerk down my window and he drops his passenger window.
I am, actually, extremely curious. I raise my eyebrows at him.
"It might not be worth all this commotion," the old man begins, "but I just wanted to let you know that your left brake light is out." He's little and bearded, Jewish and wide-eyed. His teeth are yellowed and misspaced and he wears a red newsboy cap atop his head. His eyes seem unfocused, in a way.
"I know," I say, forcing a polite smile. "I already talked to the garage about it. They just haven't gotten to it yet."
There is a brief silence. "They're lazy, huh?" he says, looking at the car ahead of him. "Maybe they could teach me something about that...you gonna fix it?"
I stare at him. I really don't know what to say. The light ahead turns green. "They know about the light. They'll get to it."
"Lazy," he mutters, and I accelerate ahead of the little bearded man, leaving him in my rearview mirror and sorta kinda maybe wishing that a five-foot section of one-inch galvanized steel pipe would be loose and maybe kinda sorta fall off my truck and maybe kinda sorta punch through his windshield and maybe sorta kinda knock some sense into his grizzled old cottony head.
And I think the "O" minivan would agree.
Hey. Hey! HEY!
Maybe it's not worth all the commotion, but your brake light is out.
Just thought you should know.
As I extract myself from a 15-car pileup, I wink at thee and say, "Thanks. I let the garage know. They'll get to it when they can."
(Is it just me or does that "I let the garage know about it" seem like a line that one could say at any and all times when one is slightly vexed?
For instance, if you're in the express line at a grocery store and you have 12 items instead of 10 and someone calls you on it, could you not just jab an index finger in the whiner's face and say, "I let the garage know about it. They'll get to it when they can."?
Or, maybe, if you have kids, and the child is whining about wanting a Tickle Me Elmo doll, could you not just say, "The garage is a little backed up...they're working on it."?
I think the possibilities are endless. It's almost like that Seinfeld episode: "These pretzels are making me thirsty!"
"I told the garage...they'll get to it when they can" is talismanic, almost, in its "screw you" properties. I think I'll have to start using that! =)
Open file--insert phrase "I let the garage know--they'll get to it when they can"--Save file
Be nice to your elders, for one day you will be one of those elders--now, get off of my lawn. ;)
But it's a short-cut, Mrs. Nan!
Great post, Adam! I was "lol"ing as they say (and I rarely do). Say that, I mean.
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