Thursday, March 22, 2007


I love maps. I am a dork, I guess, when it comes to geography. Why I enjoy looking at maps so much, I have not a clue. But enjoy them I do. Oh--yes--I do. You can find out some interesting things when you look at maps. Take the map to right, for example:

Texas is friggin' huge! And Rhode Island is hardly even visible! And, yes, Michigan looks like a mitten! Whee!

Taken as a whole, the United States, on a map, bears a bit of a resemblance to a giant pig, what with Maine being its snout and Florida being its right front leg. Washington and Oregon check in as being its rump. If that's the case, then I guess the Los Angeles area is its asshole. Ouch!

America, pig personified. Why does that seem to fit so damn well?

Anyway, maps are cool. And I'm about to be late for work...but I guess that I just had to share.


Anonymous said...

That was 'friggin' awesome! Thank you for my new perspective.

Melissa said...

Willy stepped on my world map when I had it on the floor, and pierced the Pacific Ocean with his claws. He owes me a new map. I keep walking into the room to find out where a given country is, only to find a blank wall. It's maddening.

Adamity73 said...

No problem, Meagan! Glad to have helped! ;-) It *does* look a little like a pig, in a way, doesn't it?

Mel: Maybe the Map Fairy will bring you one? Guillermo is not a fan of the Pacific Rim countries? For shame, Willy, for shame...try to be more open-minded, kiddo!

Nanette said...

Nice pigspective there A, oink oink! Does that make Alaska and Hawaii pieces of pig poop? ;)

Adamity73 said...

Well, Nan, I always thought of Hawaii as the pig's floating, disembodied curlicue tail. Alaska, on the other hand? Yeah. Poop.

Although I heard it is a lovely piece of poop, this time of year! ;-)