--stop! it's hammer-thyme--
blow nose wipe
absently at snot
light a smoke, gulp
some joe
--stop! it's hammer-thyme--
meat parents at red lobster
did i say "meat"? i meant
"beat to"
--thanks jimmy morrison--
eat floor-dwelling robots
dip them in butter
smack lips for
being "bad"
--encore--watch as Time's hands spin and
catch the last bus to tranquility
meet girl at house
did i say "meet"? i meant
eat her
pie--chicken pot--
spread cold germs back
whence they had come
it's hammer-thyme.
Hippety happety birthday!
Donnkeh. (Doan no hoe too spel its.)
It is danke--thank you in German. :D
You are amazingly witty, even on your Birthday!
Enjoy the pie! ;)
You say it's your birthday, dunununununa it's my birthday too! No, not really. :D
Thanks, Nighthawk! Also, thanks a lot for the Photoshopped picture of me. 'Twas cool as all get-out!
Happy belated (snotty?) birthday!
where or where do you come up with this stuff?
alexis--stream-o-consciousness. i have no idea whence it comes. basically, it's just diarrhea of the fingertips. ;-)
Thanks Melly!
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