I had my small red pitted fruit popped today and I am here to tell you that I feel like I went 15 rounds with Mikey Tyson; I am muscle-fatigued and bloodied. My face is flushed with red and my breath hitches in my chest. My thighs are rock-hard and sore from over-exertion; my groin has been battered.
I have been initiated. I am "in the club," now.
I went tubing today. It's the first time that I have ever done that, and now I am feeling the effects. Yes, tubing--being pulled on an innertube behind a speeding boat. Being buffeted at 30 knots by the waves (the wake) and injesting intermittent splurges of water when one hits the waves just right.
Tubing. Yes. Tubing. What'd you think I was talking about? Sex?! No way, Jose. Not until I'm married, gosh dammit!
I had a friggin' blast. And now I want a boat. There is really almost nothing finer than enjoying a beautiful Labor Day on the deck of a friend's boat. Soaking up the rays, eating delicious sammiches, getting pummeled by the concrete water. Stepping blindly into an open hatch in which a portable tabletop lay in wait...slicing one's toe open.... Flip-flap, flip-flap.
I want to send a big ole Cyber-thanks out to Lees and her hubby Mike for so generously offering the invitation to spend the day on their brand-spanking-new speedboat. I had a great time. As did Meagan. Minor pains notwithstanding.
Damn! That looks painful...what are the little black bits on the flap of skin?
Count me in when you get that boat! :D
You're in, Nanny. We can boat the Great Salt Lake. The little black bits? Those are hangers-on from the floor of Cass Lake in Waterford, MI.
Tubing rocks! Nothing like slamming into concrete and getting a seaweed and alge enema.
Truth be told its an awesome rush! Congrats on getting your cherry popped, now you can "blossom". :)
Blogger keeps changing my screen name. Actually I'm the dumb ass that keeps messin' with it. But its much easier to blame a blogging program than accepting that I truly am a dumb ass. I posted before as Jennifer. Just wanted to clear that up :)
I'm glad to show you a fun filled day. Up for seconds?
Dang, babe. You got yourself a good one there, but it sounds like it was well worth it. Glad you had a good time, but watch where you're walking!
I've never been tubing behind a boat like that. But I have floated on a tube down a slow moving river a few times. Does that count?
A boat and a babe. That's the recipe for a delicious Sunday afternoon. After football of course.
Jennifer: First, you're not a dumb-ass. NEVER let anyone tell you that you are! And, second, that was funny and sadly accurate about the "seaweed and algae enema." LOL
Lees/tumn: I think that sounds pretty fun. =o)
Melmac: If I had eyes in the back of my head--like that one picture I had posted--I think I would have been all right. I must have been drunk on the Mountain Dew. :)
Jay: Hell yeah it counts! But, uh, don't stop for people who say that you have a "purty mouth." :-O
Thank you Adam :)
Never reading blogs while eating dinner. Ever. Again.
Well, at least you got to meet Florence =0). And just so ya know, the second time doesn't hurt - as much.
Whoops! My bad, KId. ;-)
Meeg: Florence made it all worth it. =o} And that's good news about the second time! ;-)
Take six beers and call me in the morning.
Dr. Nocturnal
Thanks Doc. :-P
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