Monday, September 24, 2007


My mind is blank. I have nothing (and everything) to write about. Interesting conundrum, eh? I was walking Lou and Ollie earlier today, and I was thinking about writing an extremely sexually graphic blog post. That could be fun. Or a blog post that is incredibly violent.

I am feeling very much handcuffed, right now, as family members go through something that I cannot do much (if anything) to alleviate. I feel impotent. Thus the sex and violence, methinks. It's an outlet of sorts. A way to blast my mind out across the Interwebs.

Then, as I was the hounds, I thought to myself that it might be cool to write four-word teasers to stories. This idea was brought on by the internal phrase He slid his member. Interesting, huh, the way the mind sometimes reverts back to its crocodile nature when faced with a giant bundle of tangle of knots of Emotion? It's almost as if the thoughts that churn are so damned nebulous and vague (yet far-too crystal-clear), my mind kind of throws up its figuartive hands and says, "Fuck it. Let's melt into pleasure."

To be continued.

Anyway, four-word starter phrases. You all can fill in the rest:

He slid his member...

The quick red fox...

"I ate my beets!"

The scuffed football spiralled...

The force of impact...

He had never seen...

The pleasure bloomed and...

Machetes chop as effortlessly...

Home is where the...

Her breasts heaved as...

Skinning a catfish takes...

Oliver humps Louie often.


Anonymous said...

You know, I like it that you sometimes still got the mind of a 13 year old but then it came to this:

"Oliver humps Louie often."

Woah! Now I've got the picture of some canine smut with a smutty Snoop Dogg soundtrack to it... :D

Doggy Style... yeah...

Melissa said...

He slid his Member's Only jacket over his shoulders, locked the door behind him, and dragged his fraying knapsack down the stairs.

The quick red fox leapt onto the slow-moving rabbit and tore out its throat, gaudy gouts of blood splashing his muzzle.

"I ate my beets!" Miranda crowed.
"That's wonderful, dear," her mother answered. "But that was oatmeal, you ninny."

The scuffed football spiralled straight into my hands, and I was transported with joy until I realized I was running the wrong way down the field.

The force of impact was mind-blowing. That such a soft kiss on the nape of his neck could pack such a punch ...

He had never seen a naked redhead juggling six flaming pins while reciting Hamlet's "O that this too too solid flesh would melt" soliloquy. There is a lot he has never seen before - add this to the list.

The pleasure bloomed and he closed his eyes as he piloted the car down the busy freeway with his girlfriend's head in his lap. Not very safe, but it makes the miles pass.

I'm tapped. Peace out. xoxo

Adamity73 said...

Bravo, Melissa! =0) I liked how you completely took the "he slid his member" in a different direction. Cli-zassic.

Corwin: Hell, sometimes I feel as though I'm 12. :-O

Anonymous said...

Oh fun, fun, fun. You know I have homework to

Home is where the dishes and clothes pile up. Where I choose to take a dump...OK, I'll stop now.

To be continued later...

Adamity73 said...

LOL, Meeg. Baffroom humor ROCKS!


Heather said...

Haha Melissa gets major points for her turn of the "member" phrase! I could finish some of these...but I think I scandalized you enough for one day :P

Adamity73 said...

Never, Muirnie. I am unscadalizable. :-P

Jay said...

Why is it so tempting to write a really violent or sexual post. I think everybody really wants to do that. Of course my mother reads my blog so a really sexual post might cause her keel over. LOL

Melissa wins with the Member's Only line. That was funny.

Melissa said...

I was proud of that line ... :)

Anonymous said...

Home is where the biggest cock is.

Adamity73 said...

Well done, Snow White. :-)

Jay: Yeah, Meliss took that in a different direction, fo' shizzle.

Melissa: I'd be proud, too.

Anonymous said...

Her breasts heaved as she slid off the rubber.
The brouhaha superseded the eruption of pain.
This was her first time.
She never imagined her breast being ripped of by an unwavering wave.

Anonymous said...

Violence and sexual innuendos, just for you =0) Adam.

Adamity73 said...

Meegie: As those two raskallians on the evil Guinness commercials say:



Nanette said...

He slid his member card into the automated card reader and entered the big box store.

The quick red fox jumped into a stream of oncoming traffic. The End.

"I ate my beets!" "Now can I have some candy mom?"

The scuffed football spiralled and wobbled straight into the hands of the defender.

The force of impact crushed the car into something resembling a ball of tinfoil.

He had never seen such a horrific sight.

The pleasure bloomed and the sorrow wilted.

Machetes chop as effortlessly as Jack the Ripper on a midnight stroll.

Home is where the bills are.

Her breasts heaved as he slipped his member card into the automatic card reader and entered the big box store.

Skinning a catfish takes a good ten minutes.

Oliver humps Louie often. There is nothing like a little brotherly love.

And that, my friend, is why you are the writer. :D

Adamity73 said...

Hell, Nan, I enjoyed those. I especially liked the "her breasts heaved" re-up of the big box gloss.

Damn. I'm tired. =o)

Spinning Girl said...

oooh, I like this.