You know what I
don't need? I don't need a Botox-ed relic from the '80s singing that he was raised in a small town. What I need is professional football. I need the vicious hits and I need the perfectly-placed passes and I need my boys on my fantasy squad to stand tall and produce me
copious amounts of points.
Thanks for coming John Leopard Tittycommune. But go now, please. The door is over there.
I am ready for some...football.
Are you talking trash about John Cougar? John Cougar Mellencamp? John Mellencamp?
That's the dude, sis. John Leopard Tittycommune. But mostly I'm talking shit about the NFL and NBC trying to make the first game of the season seem like the gol-danged Superbowl.
Yeah I saw that too, serious Hollywood action going. It's a fucking football game, that's it.
Which reminds me, they need to lose that phrase. I can't even think about it(are you ready for some football) without imagining the time they let the fucking chimpanzee from the oval office utter it. Sigh. Football, yes.
John Cougar Sellout was the low point of last nights broadcast. Which is saying a lot since they totally fucking ruined the "Waiting All Day for Sunday Night" theme by having Faith Hill do it. God she sucked at that. Bring back Pink!
The highlight of the concert was Kelly Clarkson, of course.
My opponent this for opening week has Drew Brees as his QB. Very unfortunate for him, Drew produced -1.45 points. I feel so bad for him. ;-)
Noc: But! It's! The! FIRST! Game! Of! The! Season! Yeah. It's a football game. Sheesh, NBC.
That "chimpanzee," Miss Nighthawk, is our PRESIDENT! And you should show him some gol-damned respect! "Or at least send him a banana," he mutters. ;-P
Amen to your amen, Missile.
Jay: Kelly-friggin-Clarkson and the NFL...hmm...what's wrong with this picture? ;-) And Mr. Brees? He'll be back, but it's always nice to have an opponent's stud QB turn into a dud dweeb, eh?
As for the Lions, all they deserve is John Cougar ! Play some decent football boyyyyys. Or else...
Well! They played decently yesterday, Meeg-Meeg. =O}
Ooops, my bad. As if, I watched the game =0)
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