I passed by the skin of teeth. That's all right. I really didn't need skin on my teeth in the first place.
The DMV is quite the sociological study. Everyone needs to drive thus an interesting cross-section of humanity emerges. You have the well-coiffed rich girl, with the shiney three-inch black heels and the immaculate makeup and the Texas-sized rock on her left ring finger and you have the shifty-eyed dude who looks about as comfortable immersed in that mass of jabbering and cell-phone talking and politely-burping humanity as a goose in a hockey rink.
Then there was the guy that I have seen in a few AA meetings. I'd like to say that we made eye-contact and shared a super-secret "I know you, you know me" head nod, but...no. In all seriousness, it seemed to me that he was avoiding making eye contact with me. Which is just as well. Actually, I couldn't care less. What would we have chatted about? "So, uh, you're a friend of Bill W.'s? How's it going?" And then he would say, "Uh, good. Good. I'm still off the sauce. You?" Then I would say, "Oh. Sure. Um. Yup. I'm feeling pretty good." Then we would look at each other and nod vaguely and find the line of people amazingly interesting. And our shoes would probably be fascinating new discoveries, as well. Watches would be looked at and pocket change would be jiggled. "Okay! Good luck, man!"
"You too."
Anyway. Like I was saying, I passed by the nonexistent skin of my teeth. I brought the three tests up to the Southern-drawling older lady named--I'm serious--Bessy, and she checked the answers and then allowed me to look over what I had missed. The first test, 50 questions, was a general knowledge test and, looking over what I had missed, I would have seriously kicked myself if I had not passed. You can miss 10 questions and still pass; I missed 10 questions. And about seven of them were questions to which I knew the answers. I must have been in a rush. I must have filled in the wrong bubble. In my defense, though, taking a test in the DMV is basically as soothing as taking a test in a DMZ. Cell phones, people talking and laughing, rustling of newspapers and magazines, staffers calling out numbers...these are all very unconducive to rapt attention on what, essentially, is a test that is about as exciting as watching paint dry. And the foreign lady behind me who insisted on reading all the questions aloud to herself? Oy vey. I'm sure that it helped her grasp the slippery English language better, but--damn!
Hey kidz! Would you like to have fun?! Would you like to play along at home?! Go to this website and you too can take practice CDL tests! Trust me. It's as fun as watching a barrel of monkeys...well...monkey around.
And now a bit of negative news: I went to the doctor last week to get blood tests--just for the hell of it--and I got the results in the mail today. All was good except for my cholesterol level was elevated and they want me to set up an appointment to discuss the results. Here is what that discussion will sound like: "Adam. You need to eat better and exercise more. And, also, smoking hardens your arteries, you know, thus making the disease of atherosclerosis more attainable. It gives it a foothold, as it were." And then this is where I will say, "Okay, Doctor Hasbany. I will get right on that." Seriously, though, this is not anything with which to fuck around. I know that.
Then why, oh why, did I just get back from Lombard's wherein an extra-large pizza pie was purchased? I'll start my new and improved exercise regiment...tomorrow. Scout's honor.
congratulations on passing your driver's test. anxiety over, for this,any way. and anxiety probably adds to the other test, too, in a round-about way. so, one test down, the other to tackle and make right. need any veggies? and good luck. i know someone you can ask about healthy eating. she doesn't always follow her own advice, but she's willing to share info. again, congratulations.
How can ur cholesterol be high? All I ever hear u talk about eating is salads. Well, you will get plenty of exercise monday.. Nice blog. Take care& we will be speaking soon. Oh, and don't forget to bring a towel. You never know when you might need one.
Maybe everybody knows this but me, but what is a CDL test, specifically? Congrats on passing it anyhow! And good luck with the other one...we'd like to see you healthy, of course!
Soluble fiber, that's the ticket!
My drivers license expires next year, and I'm already looking forward to the DMV experience. Actually, I tend to luck out and hit it when it's not too busy, but I always have a book on hand just in case. Nothing worse than staring around and waiting for an hour.
What were the other three questions you missed? Glad you passed. Now on to the driving portion!
Who dat, BooBoo? ;-)
Autism: Yeah, I know I *talk* about eating salads--and I do eat them--but I counteract that by eating mucho carne rojo and 2% leche. Oy vey! What I *should* start doing is eating trees...there's much fiber in trees. ;-)
Muirnie: A CDL is a Commercial Driver's License. It allows you to drive things like busses and tractor-trailers and the like.
Melmac: The good thing about renewing one's license is the ability to get rephotgraphed...in the case of a bad picture, which seems to happen 93% of the time. I was all prepared to get a new snapper taken yesterday, but they're going to take it when I come back to take the road test. I'm sick of my countenance grinning out at me, all slanty-eyed and tomato-faced. Yes, I'm vain. :-O
And the other three questions? Who knows? I forgot. But it's far more important to garner hands-on training than book/manual training.
Yea ! for passing, even with skin on your teeth. And without being quizzed first - wow.
The LDL level *can* be reduced, which is a good thing! It is something you will have to practice doing...and now for your quiz...
1.What is soluble fiber? Have you eaten any today?
2.Name one activity that burns calories and makes you sweat...
Hiya, Me-Again! [puts on his testing hat]
1. Soluble fiber is fiber that soaks up cholesterol in the body. Said fiber can be found in eggs and bacon and sometimes cream cheese.
2. Sex. :-P
Luckily for me, that's not how they test you over here. It's all a much quieter, serious affair. With invigilators and everything.
Hello gravy blood! (That is what I call my husband, so don't be offended.)
You missed ten questions! That is it, ten lashes with a wooden ruler! Oh, and I think Miss Bessy will be an appropriate disciplinarian. ;)
Hey dude!
Just a quick note, thanks for the link. You're a champ!! I have you linked too.
Now, make sure you're mind doesn't wander when you're driving. HA!!!
Good job passing the tests dude.
When I moved to Missouri I was quite disappointed to find that everybody had to take the written test, even if you had a valid license from another state.
When I took the test I was the only one in the room. The sweet little old lady looked up at me with a very sad look and said "Oh dear, you've missed one too many". Then she looked around a bit and said .. "here can you tell me one that you missed?"
I looked at the test pointed to one I thought I had missed and she said, "YES! And which answer is correct?" So I pointed to one of the answers and she said "YES .. You passed!"
I really wish I had had her for some of my college classes. LOL
Bunny: But what, pray tell, is an "invigilator?" =o}
Nighthawk: "Gravy Blood." Love it! 10 lashes with a wooden ruler? From Miss Bessy?! Oh, I'm there.
Aloha: I'll be visitng your blog, that's for damned sure! :-P (I particularly liked the recent J. Alba posting.)
Jay: Thanks for the congrats, man. And--hell yeah!--that would have made college a *hell* of a lot easier! ;-)
Just a little doctorly assvice...my husbands cholesterol was high last time he had a blood test and she told him to take 2000mg of Niacin a day. It's about $8 for a bottle and lasts a month. Ask the doc and see what they say about it! The biggest complaint people have about it is flushing. The particular brand I buy says "flush free" on it, but my husband hasn't had any issue with that at all. Anyhow, I figured it wouldn't hurt to mention!
lol and invigilator is someone who stands in exam halls to make sure no one is cheating. We get them all the time.
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