I went to visit last Sunday, to see what Noah was all about, and my friend came out of her house with him wrapped in a towel, having just given him a flea bath. He looked like a sharp-nosed baby with yellow eyes and droopy ears.
Lou's interest was piqued immediately. His expression jumped about 13,000 levels of Alert and when Lisa set Noah on the ground, they at once set about Dog-Ass-69ing each other. No growls. No yelps. No snaps. All good signs. Lisa's husband opened up the gate to the backyard and the two canines shot into the open green, Lou bow-slapping at Noah and Noah, eventually, torpedoing Lou, going in low, always moving forward, always under Lou's feet. I laughed. Lou, 70 pounds, looked like a Great Dane compared to the 35-pound Noah.
I shook my head. Noah? No. The kid looked like an Oliver, to me. Louie and Olly. It has a certain ring to it.
So. The plan is to stop by this coming weekend and take Oliver and give him a good home. I wonder, though, does anyone out there have any second-dog advice? Or, better yet, does anyone out there have any second-dog horror stories?
Oliver seems to be--and I'm told that he is--a sweet dog. And Lou needs a buddy. I tend to be a somewhat-neglectful asshole sometimes. (Albeit a loving asshole. God. That sounded bad. An asshole that loves...I'll stop whilst I'm behind. Whoops!) Anyway, is this a mistake or a boon for both Lou and me?
Can you change a name after two years? That'd be my only concern. If he's going to an unfamiliar household, it might be good to keep the name. I have no idea, though.
He looks freaking adorable and I can't wait to meet him.
I don't think you're a neglectful asshole, or even somewhat-neglectful. But another dog in the household could only be good for Louie, some companionship when you're at work, a buddy to run around the back yard with ...
I can't wait!
He is a handsome boy!(So is Louie) I think It'll be great for Lou to have a furbrother, so to speak, to have some fun with. I can't wait for the pictures. I would have to agree with Melissa though on the name...he's going to be doing a lot of adjusting, so at least something familiar is good...too much change could make for a naughty pup.
I don't think its a bad thing. We all need friends!!! Lou has you, but he has secrets about you that he can only tell his other dog friends about..like that one time he walked in and you were....well, nevermind. Anyhow, it's a great idea in my opinion and as far as changing the name goes, you'll just have to be nice and repetitive!
I'm not a dog expert but I do believe that when there are two dogs one will always be the dominate dog. Not that that is a bad thing. They'll work it themselves, but you might have to fee them in different rooms or something like that.
Also, maybe you should have had Noah over to your house to play and see how Louie does with another dog on his turf. Just a thought
You should have Noah err Oliver to your house and see how Louie reacts to him in Louie's environment. Jay is right. I never even thought of that. But just like with human children... There will be an adjustment period and you must have patience!! I will be of any assistance and help I can. You know my second dog stories. One of which was Daisy and ol' Mayn, which was a beautiful and blissful one...And the one with Daisy and Noah, which wasn't too bad, but it just was not ideal for the animals or us.
if, indeed, noah has deep and thoughtful eyes, noah might be an ideal name for him. louie and noah. sounds good...and familiar to him. and i also think having him over on louie's turf for a bit is a good idea. if you are doing it for louie (to have a friend), he has to feel like the dominant one. after all, he was there first. but noah looks so sweet. good luck in deciding.
Thanks for all the advice, folks! =o} By reading your wise words and thoughtful thoughts, I have come to the conclusion that the bestest idear is to fete Noahliver and to take King Lou to downtown Detroit and leave him on the corner of John R and McNichols! Thanks again!!!
I joke because I am a keeder and I keed because I am a joker. :-P
That Noahliver @ Lou's digs idea sounds like a good one. Maybe I'll do it, maybe I won't. We shall see. But Noahliver is definitely going to be a new member of the [name redacted] household.
I can't wait, either.
BooBoo: I'm doing it for both of us--Lou and I. And also because I have a soft spot for dogs that aren't getting the best of treatment. (It burns my britches, in a way, but that is a story for another day.)
am I the only one who is wondering the fate of your blog? I mean will you need a new one now that you will have a new pupperooni around too?
Ha! Terry is a thinker, you will have to give the new pup second billing.
I think two will be good!
T-Terry: Maybe I'll just change the name? I mean, I don't really know what i was thinking when i originally named the blog "Louie Pit Bull." I think it was just kind of a temporary gloss. But, who knows? "Lou 'n' Oah" might work, too. ;-P
Nighthawk: Oh, Noah *will* get second billing. I need to remember, sometimes, that dogs are dogs and they--for the most part--don't take things personally. =o}
Will Noah take Lou for a walk? Heeheehehe. I keed, I keed...but really...
awwww Iffins you were a daddy of the people kind, and you were opting to have a second child, would you love him/her any less just cause he/she came second? The pupps will now be partners in crime, no?
Neither gets second billing. They'll work out for themselves who is dominant, and age and size and how long each has been in the house won't matter.
The thing is, it's their business. One being dominant doesn't mean the other is cowed, it's not like that. It just means that one has more responsibility to "the pack", in a manner of speaking.
Just emailed you a couple things about introducing a second dog. Not too lengthy of a read, but there's some good info there.
Argh, I just read how that first line sounds, Nanette! I know you were talking about literal second billing, not that Adam should or would treat Noah differently - I guess I liked the phrase and it started me on a different sort of tangent.
I'll shut up now :)
Meeg: Maybe. Time will tell.
Terry: Good point. I had not thought of it that way.
I read it, Meliss. Thanks. =o)
Hounds rock, and yes another dog is a good thing. Bassets are not good without another, probably the same with beagles.
Good advice, Noc. Thanks.
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