There is a new dawg comin' to town. Named Noah, looks like an "Oliver." Or a "Nelson."
I'm going to set out to pick him up in about ten minutes. I'll shoulder the nervousness for Louie. Nervous? No. Not really nervous, I guess, but I am a bit trepidatious. Same thing? Maybe. I am just hoping that 1) they get along--which I do anticipate--and 2) that Noah/Oliver fits in, here, to my and Louie's schedules, as seamlessly as is humanly (or canine-ly) possible. I have a dual dog den, now, in my dining room. Two of everything.
Let's hope that it stays that way.
Happy Dual Doggy Day. Good Luck!!!
I'm sure Noah will be just fine and he and Louie will be best buddies. Louie will go over the house rules with him when he thinks the time is right.
Well doesn't Lou look handsome! He's gonna be a great big brudder, I just know it :D
Louie is such a sweetie! So handsome in his bandana!
I bet they're gonna get on great :)
Terry: Thanks, and happy Triple-D to you, too. ;-)
Jason: They have been just fine, so far. I left them in the yard to go get some Taco Bell and, when we got back, there were two dogs standing at the fence wagging their tails and "smiling." Lou has, of course, batted him around a bit. 'Tis duty, it is.
Muirnie: So far so good. =-D And Lou, to my chagrin, is always a handsome devil. He have bitches calling at all hours of the night....
gofd: Welcome to the madness, ma'am/sir. Pull up a chair and make yourself at home. =o}
Bunny Bleu: Lou thanks you, ma'am. And...so far so good.
Sorry, Queenie! I saw the "q" and it looked like a "g" to me. I know who you are. I take back the "sir." =o)
Congratulations!! I'm glad it's working out so far. :D
Just two weeks ago, I had to give up my black lab for adoption. Sad times.
So I am glad to see a beagle getting a good home. May the two be merry and happy. Which they will be.
Incidentally: I live in Royal Joke. I moved from Atlanta six months ago, so I'm not entirely familiar with the Detroit area.
That being said, I really like it. Even with its dirt and crime and abandoned homes. I feel like I'm living in East Berlin (when I'm not in Royal Joke, surrounded by yuppies)....
Ooh! So exciting! Please keep us up to speed on how things are going. :D
Ephie: Thus far, yes. =o}
Fritz: Sorry to hear about having to give up your Labby. That blows chunks, mos' def. And...welcome to Detroit! Where the weak are kilted and eaten! :-P Naw...it's a good place. Like I read somewhere: It (Detroit) is like a proud homecoming queen after years of hard labor and abuse. Or...something like that. As for Royal Oak: Having lived here for about 30 years, I just gotta say that it had definitely changed...and not necessarily all for the better. But! If you wanna find a bar in the downtown, close your eyes and spin...and you'll be at one. ;-P
Sho will Nighthawk. Going great, so far.
Now there's a handsome lad all dressed up and ready to go. Good luck bro.
Thanks, man. So far so good.
Aww, I love that picture of Lou! He's such a handsome boy!
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