I opened my front door this morning and, there amidst the snow-and-ice mixture sat Lynn's box. Lynn's box was white with little black letters on it. Thanks, Lynn! I think I'm really going to enjoy your box! Except, now? Now it's my box. Sweet! Thanks for sending me your box, Lynn, across this great country, and thank you, too, for the contents of your box. I had to open your box to get to the goodies inside and, Lord, I am glad that I did open your box.
Guatemalan coffee. Booyah!
You can read Lynn's excellent writing over at reallivelesbian.blogspot.com/.
Here are the simple rules of the game, Pay It Forward: One, read this post. Two, comment by, um, Wednesday at 11:59PM. Three, I'll pick three winners from the commenters. Four, I'll send you a little something and then you, too, can have the blessed burden of spreading joy throughout this great country. Wanna play?! Then comment away!
Here's another fun game: Examine the picture of the lady enjoying her Guatemalan coffee and come up with a caption for it. The dirtier, the better. Here, I'll start it off. Noting her slightly-pinched smile, the caption should read: "Ha-ha, very funny, Jorge. Let's see how damned funny it is fifteen cups of COFFEE.COM coffee later, when I'll be painting the inside of your toilet with my vitriolic Deuce Juice."
You go brotha!!
Great idea. Every kindness matters.
Now as for the caption for the smilin lady...
"Is that a guatemalan coffee bean in your pocket or are you just happy to see me?"
;) Peace brother,
Her caption reads:
"You think this coffee is hot but just wait until you feel the heat of my..."
I have to keep in mind that your mother and sisters read this blog. Oh and Hi uncle Jim =0) LOL.
Pass It Forward
LOL, Maithri. Poor Jorge! His unit is being compared to a coffee bean. :-O Try some Enzyte, Jorge.
Meegie Beegie: "Heat of..?" What, Meegie? What were you going to write?! The heat of her frying pan? The heat of her hair dryer? The heat of her radiator? The heat of her love muffin? What?! What were you going to write?! We are all friends, here. Never feel the need to censor yourself! Then again.... :-)
Arlan: Consider yourself entered. Oh, and welcome to my humble blog, kind sir.
Yay, fun!
I'm saving my dirty talk for my box...
Twas a good movie too, as well as a cool game.
Nothing like a mailbox surprise to brighten your day..... you know.... not like an unexpected bill, but something that truly makes your day!
Maithri, Jen Bun, and Tesa/Terry: If y'a;; still wanna play this "Pay it Forward" game, I'm going to need your snail mail addresses. Hopefully you read this this within the next 13 minutes; after that, the "game" self-destructs. LOL
Just kidding. Send the addresses, pretty please.
I'm glad you've been enjoying that box of mine!
Why didn't Me Again finish that sentence!? Inquiring minds want to know! ;)
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