God bless winter. God bless the refreshing, invigorating, sub-freezing winds which render a nose a radish in under four minutes. God bless the doggies cavorting in the backyard, spinning white dervishes of snow from under their playful paws. God bless the sugar coatings on the trees and the crystalline icicles that hang from the gutters. God bless the sense of unity that many Michiganders display after a particularly heavy snowfall--snowblowing neighbor's driveways, giving The Stuck a push--but God damn the havoc the unplowed streets wreak on the undercarriage of my Ford Focus. It's too low to the ground, and a mere five inches'll fucking get it stuck. I was pretty damned frustrated yesterday, what with the neighborhood plows nowhere in sight and my car repeatedly getting stuck...in the apron of my driveway, a couple of houses down, at the end of the street. When a street isn't plowed, stop signs tend to lose their relevance, to me. As long as there isn't any other car or pedestrian in the Ground Zero vincinity, I'm-a gonna keep motoring right along. And if a car does have the audacity to be in my drive-zone at that highly-crucial point in time, I'll stop and grumble curses at the blithely unaware motorist. And then I'll get out of my car, shovel in hand, and get to work. For all you warm-weather climes, you gotta come to Michigan or somewhere in the northern snowbelt and try your hand at winter driving! It's fun! >=o) (<---See?! I'm smiling!)
Today is the winter solstice. Assuming that my meterological knowledge is beyond the neotonical stages, it's the shortest day of the year. I wonder if, back in the day, the animal skin-clad hunters and gatherers had special ceremonies in which they begged the dieties to "bring back the Sun, damn it"? Maybe they had sacrifices. Nowadays, we have psychological conditions like S.A.D. and depression and our sacrifices are our brain chemicals as we pop pills to "bring back the Sun." Ah, progress. :-O
Let's all band together and perform some Pagan rituals--like Speedo snow angels or the like--to expediate the winter process. Whaddya say?
(By the way: four more days until Christmas. If you're one who celebrates the birth of Baby Jesus, it's time to get shopping. Ironic, isn't it?)
Seriously, my ass is huge in this picture.
There are like 2 blankets wrapped around me, under that one.
Keep it up, this is motivating me
Happy Winter Solstice!
There is nowhere else I'd want to be.
Sitting here in your chair on your computer, typing on your keyboard, searching for used cars, commenting on your blog, awaiting your return so I can...
Make you erase this picture (just kidding, keep it up ;0)
I helped shovel out my neighbor's driveway, and I helped push THREE stuck cars off the side of the road.
That's my good deed for the day. Now I'm going to go crawl under every blanket in the house and not move until June.
your blog very beautiful and more info,I like your blog
Meegie: Your ass is definitely not huge. It's a trick of the photography and, yes, two blankets will make an ass look bigger. =o)
Never stop doing good deeds, Franklin.
Thanks, Megat.
i am waiting for you to write your first book. your descriptions are beautiful. it would make anyone want to experience winter..to be out in it (just to see what cold is like) or just to see it through the window, blankets and popcorn at hand. keep up the good work.
Aw, thanks, BooBoo. :-) I'll right my first book once I get my first original thought/plot-line. ;-) Thanks for the nice comment. See you Thurzday!
Can you believe that this only marks the official START of Winter?!?
Happy Holidays, Adam and Meagan... I bet everybody would like a framed Speedo Angel for Xmas!!! :D
Oh God. Only three days left now. Don't worry, Adam - your present is present and accounted for.
Meagan got screwed: isn't it supposed to be sugarplum fairies dancing in her head? Instead she has scary skeletons dancing above!
Merry Christmas, JenBun! =o) Do you enjoy California Christmases? Don't you feel left out that the generic representation of Christmas includes snow and scarves and...snow? Does it fall flat to celebrate 'neath a palm tree? Or am I just snagglewarshed by growing up in Snow Country?
Missy: I'll pass on the information, m'dear. Thanks! :)
I LOVE Cali Christmases! Snow is good for visiting (and I HAVE had a white Christmas or two before), but opening presents and then jumping in the pool is fun too!!
(Though this year it was rainy and freezing-- a gray Christmas! Hooray.)
(Just makes it that much brighter inside!)
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