Bacon stood not a chance.
I am thinking of starting up a Flickr 365 project. You may be familiar with it. During the next 365 days, people involved with the "project" have to post a picture daily with at least a part of their body in the shot. I think I'll start today; maybe the piece of my body that I have in the snapshot will be my crank. Or...probably not. Maybe I'll just start with this one.
The picture that you see is me, sans color, methodically crushing seconds and minutes and hours in front of the Evil Computer as my wattles grow and my dogs take to chewing on things that they shouldn't be chewing. I think it was Timothy Leary who said, "Dude. Cut the cord, man. Release thineself from the 'Puter Politico."
On the plus side, it snowed last night, so there should be sleddin' in store today. Either that or copious--and I mean fucking copious--amounts of college football on the tube today.
Happy Two-Thousand-Eight, my dear partners-in-binary-addiction. May the new year bring color to our faces and strength to our constitutions.
Pah! Pah, I say! You have not failed in your resolutions. You have resolved to change some things in 2008, and the way I read it, you have all of 2008. Of course, earliest started earliest done and all, but don't think you don't have a chance to attain your goals. Do it.
Melissa is right. Besides, everybody knows that you don't have to even start on your resolutions until the 2nd. The 1st is a holiday. Holidays don't count.
I considered the Project 365 thing and even the blog365 thing, but both seem like too much pressure for me.
Partners in binary addiction! LOVE IT! Sigh, why can't I quit the internet.
Keep your crank to yourself. ;)
365 will never be the same, I'm sure you'll come up with some great shots. Happy 2008! :D
I wonder if I should do the 365 thing...I think I'd have a really hard time getting 365 pictures of myself fit for public consumption, though :P It'll be fun to see you do it, though!
I like the 365 idea. I take pics daily, but can go months without transfering them to my computer. I'm lazy like that.
Happy New Year to you!
I literally suck at resolutions.
Last year, I said I was going to take up running.
I ran once, a few times around a track in my schools gym early in January. Since then, the only running I do is after the pizza delivery guy when he forgets my mozzarella sticks.
Happy New Year to you too my deary! Football was indeed on wasn't it...ick. Sometimes I wish I was a sports fan though, cuz then at least I'd have something to talk about during the game instead of being shushed and getting a finger held up at me! LOL
We're in the 365 together, a few of my friends started yesterday so woohoo, lets do dis! :)
Bacon is one hell of a good guy. I invite him to the party all the time me ownself. ;)
I"m not giving up bacon--ever. I'll just run two more miles every time. Bacon is worth it.
Melmac the Great: ;-) I'll do it! Dang! Doan make me cry! :*(
Jay: I'm sure you'd do just fine on the 365s, Jay. Give 'er a go! And I think that Alicia Keys should be BotY. Jeezum crow! I saw her on some New Year's thing and she is looking hot hot hot! Yum.
Nanny Nighthawk: Happy 2008 to you to, m'dear. =O)
Heather: I say do it! =o) And I say that you should have your second shot be one of you, in profile, with the sea behind you. Whaddya say? ;-)
Suge Kane: Feliz Ano to you, as well. Good luck with everything! =o)
Caleal: I would LOVE to see someone *literally* suck at resolutions! ;-P Don't worry about slacking; we all do it; it's human nature. Right?
Teasah: I'm with you on the 365 "Project," Tiz. Let's rock the boat, huh? I'll "crank" up my creativity. ;-)
AB Mel: Bacon's cool, but he's a bit of a greaseball. That's all right, though. He's got other redeeming qualities.
M@: I agree. Definitely worth it. And I'll continue to say that until I feel that slam o' pain in my left arm/shoulder and the breath doesn't come as easily and my skin becomes cold and clammy. Because what is more important? A healthy working heart or a thin piece of crispy salty and greasy meat that dissolves on one's tongue when eaten? Exactly: send in the bacon!
Dude, your sobriety officially releases you from New Years resolution requirements. Having said that, I like the 365 idea but I can't encourage you to do it because I'd never be able to commit to it myself.
Oh, and regarding bacon. We're currently taking some time off. Our relationship has been too intense recently and I just needed a break.
IF: Well, I appreciate you for saying that, but I'm taking the "Onward and Upward" tack with regards to the resolutions. It's kinda like Bennie Franklin in his autobiography: each day he wanted to work on something new to better himself. Then again, he ended up as an overweight philanderer porking the French belles in their powder rooms, so what did he know? ;-P
Hee hee, you're wearing a bathrobe and a hat. I like your style.
I didn't know that *was* a style, Missy Vine. ;-) Maybe the style is "North American Slob '08."
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