What can I say about the woman who nurtured and raised my sisters and me to be the people we are today? Where do I find the words to convey the love with which we were brought up? The love that richocheted off of us and back to her? I don't. It is nebulous. Intangible.
I just know that it's there. And it always will be.
Happy birthday, Mom. I love you.
Aww how sweet! You big ol' mama's boy, you! My mom doesn't seem her age either...
Your mother sounds awesome! Happy birthday to her :)
Happy Birthday to Mom!
Happy Birthday to Adamity Mom Mom!
Happy birthday, mom.
May I say you're still rockin...
you know, you guys were (and are) so easy to love. i can remember how anxious you all were to try new and unusual things: walk the bruce trail, camp on georgian bay's 'roman ruins', try squid in toronto's chinatown and octopus in detroit's greektown, visit the d.i.a. over and over and greenfield village and detroit historical museum.
you guys made being a mon a joy where you were young and as you got older. i have to admit, though, teenage years were a little hard for me (as teen years are hard for the individual going through them).
"thanks for the memories" as bob hope used to sing. i love you all so very much.
I'm hoping I never have to die.
Aww, very sweet of you! Happy Bday Adams momma! :)
I'll wish again over here, but I'll add the belated this time!
Happy Belated Birthday to one fantastic Momma!
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