Saturday, January 26, 2008


I found this in the comments section of Fumblings web site. It's called the Slogan Generator, and you can put any word into the little box thing-y and hit "sloganize". I entered "masturbation." Hijinks and hilarity are guaranteed to ensue.

Okay. I'm off to sloganize "Golden Shower." Take care. (And Happy Saturday.)

Here's a good slogan: "You Need a Golden Shower." :-P


Heather said...

I am basically in awe of your maturity ;-)

HopSkipJump said...

Thanks for the link!

It's hilarious, isn't it? And if you're like me, it just never gets old.

Nanette said...

Devon Knows how they make cock so creamy!

Wanna play mad libs? Hilarious

Me_Again said...

I need a shirt with this Slogan!...
A Glass and a Half in Every Orgasm.

Me_Again said...

Give the Dog A Meagan.
Exceedingly Good Adam.
Ok, I'm done - for now.

Adamity73 said...

It *is* legendary, isn't it, Heather? ;-)

IF: De nada, dude. No, it *couldn't get old.

Nanighthawkian: LMAO

Meagan: "A Glass and a Half in Every Orgasm"?! Oh my God, that's too fucking funny! :-) More! More! ;-P