It's like a Beastie Boys sample that I have heard a million times: One guy says to the other, "You're stupid." The other guy says, "Eh-uh?" First guy: "You should sleep late, man. It's just much easier on your constitution."
I happily agree.
I awoke at 0826 and let the boys out and then blearily walked around the house, looking at things that I needed to do. The kitchen counter needs to be straightened up. I need to do a couple of loads of laundry. I need to leave this house and enter the blistering cold of January 19, 2007, Michigan, and venture to the grocery store to fill my Mother Hubbard cupboards that are so bare, I have not even a bone. (Sounds like a personal problem, but it ain't.) I need to...
I walked into the front room and saw Oliver and Louie laying blithely on the couch and I said, "You know? You guys have a good idea." I clambered aboard and leaned back against the arm of the couch, my legs sprawling diagonally across the warm puppies' bodies. Louie cast a baleful eye at me--it's his couch, after all--and Oliver shifted his little sausage body so that his sharp little Beagle nose was buried in the space between my hip and the back of the sofa. I jammed a throw pillow behind my head and--voila!--the Sandman blasted me across the head with a two-by-four of Sleep. I think I was sawing logs in under two minutes.
America! Join me in my laziness! Let us all be sloth-like! Tell Industriousness and Early Birdedness to "talk to the hand, bee-yotches!" Sleep in! It's just much easier on your constitutions!
As a speck of humanity in this vast teeter-totter o' Cyberland, I hereby declare on this, Saturday, January 19, 2008, when the temperature is about 15 degrees here in the Mitten state, "Sleep! Sleep as though your lives depended on it! Get nothing done! Give in to the narcotic of sleep! Relax! It'll only hurt for a second! Put off whatever needs to be done for another day! It'll still be there!"
As Marie Antionette was wont to say, "Let them use pillows!"
[Now, please to excuse me as I hypocritically go to get an oil change for my car.]
I wish I could sprawl out on the couch about now but can I? Hell Noooo! I have about 15 damn kids jumping all over me.
I swear, someday? I am going to go to sleep when the clock still says PM and sleep for a bare minimum of eight hours. Someday. Please. *whimper* Somebody wanna catch an extra few hours for me?
I don't even have a couch. But, I could just go back to bed. That would be great!
Hiya Prep! Welcome! "15 damn kids"?! What? were you trying for a girl?! Are you Catholic?! ;-)
Muirnie: I wish that I could give you some of my sleep. Insomnia is the only eight-letter four-letter word that I can think of.
Jay-Jay: Do it, man. The world will still be here tomorrow, warts and all.
Too late for me to try this today, but I'll give it a shot tomorrow morning. I bet it feels gooood.
My dog tricks me into sleeping in sometimes.
When my alarm goes off, he'll jump into bed and snuggle up like he's a stuffed animal, and I fall back asleep.
I love that when it's cold outside and knowing you have nothing pressing to do, you just curl up and fall back asleep.
15 degrees C? That's pretty warm by our standards. We're topping out at about 6 just now and that's still pretty mild for the time of year.
Ironically enough, I didn't comment on yesterday's post because hubby and I fell asleep (he got the sofa - me the recliner) for quite the afternoon nap. It was actually dark when I opened my eyes again. Then I finally got my ass in gear and went to fill my own pantry with can-can sale items. Yeah sales!
And that's what Martin Luther King Day is all about!
That makes me want to go sleep right now. I think every day should be sleep as long as you wish day...how can I, no make that we, get the world to adopt this philosophy......hmmmmm.....
Missy: 'Twas grand, 'twas.
Cali: Look at that! A sleeping pill without the groggy side-effects! Will wonders never cease?! :-P Reason #4677822 why dogs kick ass.
Bunny Bleu: 15 degrees F. I'm across the pond, grrl! ;-)
Terry: Isn't that disorientation pretty cool? After waking up from a long nap, you look out the window and see it's dark and then you say to yourself, "Oh, shit! I'm late for work!" And then you realize that it's nighttime and all the anxiety just kinda drains out and all the colors seem more vibrant and the food tastes better and every cell is uber-relaxed. Wha? Just me?!
M@: To a degree, sure. It's always nice to sleep in on a work day. In fact, even though mu company doesn't have MLK Day off, I took it off anyway. Took a personal day. (And now I'm wondering why I did. Am I *that* lazy?!) :-O By the way, I think that MLK Day is a very important day for Americans. There was enough racist bullshit for far too long. It was paramount that someone stepped up and worked for change.
Nighthawk: Perhaps you could give a speech? Stand at the podium and intone, "I have a dream that one day, every day will be viewed as Sleep As Long As You Want To Day. You'll not be judged by how early you wake up, but rather how rested you are when you *do* regain consciousness." Just a thought. ;-)
According to the title I figured you'd have a similar story to my last blog! hahaha!
I tried to go back to sleep this morning but the kids kept coming in and then Austin was thirsty and hungry and going nuts, so I HAD to get up. Nothing better than to snuggle up when it's so cold outside!
TizzleeSpork: I'm off to read your blog after writing this! Fo' shizzle! =o) And the title was thus named because it just felt so damned good to sleep in...but you know that now, so that is fifteen seconds of my life that I'll never get back. ;-)
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