Rumor has it that it kick-starts the metabolism.
Oh, and I've also been laying off the ice cream and the wanton sugar bombs such as candy bars and Hershey's syrup straight from the container. I have also eaten more fruits and vegetables than I had been. And the midnight toast snacks have been mightily curtailed. And I also have stopped eating just for the hell of it. Now I wait until I am shaky and can't see straight before I pop some food in my mouth. I'm kidding about that last part...sort of.
There was a study done recently that observed how the laboratory rat--that ole classic standby--did when it was allowed less food per day. If memory serves, the researchers had two groups of rats: one was allowed to eat to its heart's content and the other was fed basically just enough to get by. The first group had higher incidences of diabetes and heart disease and cancer while the second group retained their youthfulness for a longer period of time. What does that mean? I think it means that less food equates, for the most part, to better health.
And that is not a news flash, I know.
But, anyway, after losing around ten pounds, with another ten to fifteen to go, I think I'd like to ally myself with the second group o' rats.
I think you're gonna be my new role model... you beat alcoholism, you beat crap food and you got two great dogs you care of ...get a wife and kids and I'll dream of being like you (sans Fantasy Football)^^
You're off to a great start. Well done.
Congrats! I'm totally gonna work-out all day tomorrow! Didn't we have a bet or a challenge or something? I'm so gonna lose =-(
No, I must not think that way. I can do it, I can do it. I've got some catchin' up to do...
Corwin E: "Get a wife and kids...." Okay. I think there's a Wife and Kid R Us around here, somewhere. :-P
Jay: Thanks, sir.
Meegie: You can do it. You can do it! =o) If we both tighten up a bit, we both win. And it's oh-so good to win.
Congrats! I've probably gained your 10 sitting around the house this last week and a half!
Wait a minute, just hold the phone! Eating less induces weight loss? That there's crazy talk!
Congrats - ten pounds is nothing to sneeze at!
Way to go, you rat! Making the rest of us look bad! ;-) Of course, men always lose weight more easily than women. Hmph. Seriously, though - kudos!
Woo for you!
I've also started eating a breakfast, I find that I'm less hungry during the day if I do...less likely to snack on crap anyway.
Well done Mr. A!
Right on, Adam. I got on the scale today and was down 10 too... only another 30 to go (*sigh*).
I've got 13 pairs of unwearable jeans that are about another 10 lbs. away. Great incentive for me. What is yours?
congrats Adam! I told u! What are you down to now? When I see u tomorrow, I will give u a big ol pat on the back. Keep up the good work!!
Good for you! Sounds like your year is starting off well.
Way to go, skinny! :)
Yeah, the less calories you can consume without starving yourself, the better off your health is.
I however, love my pizza and soda. So I probably bypass that "get by" line. But I'm glad you're doing so well!
Tizz: Thanks for the congrats and I am sorry for your being laid up recently. I hope that it gets better as soon as possible. =o)
Melmac the Great: Achoo! :-P
Heather: Thanks for the props and, yeah, I think it's been scientifically-proven, hasn't it, that men lose weight different than women?
Bunny Bleu: Breakfast is VERY important. I'm hoping that I stay on this latest tack.
Just keep pluggin away, IF. You can do it. What's my incentive? I'd like to say health--and of course that's there--but I also want to look better naked. I'm vain like that.
Lisa: I'm down to around 190. I still have. like, 15 pounds to go. :-O
Sugary Wondah: Thanks! =o) Yeah, it's starting off pretty well. All I have to do is avoid lethal doses of natural gas at work and I'll be golden. ;-)
AB-Mel-Mel: Much appreciated, ma'am! =o)
Caleal: Thanks for the kind words. By the way, from the pix I have seen of you, you can eat all the pizza and drink all the pop that you want to. You ain't nuttin to worry 'bout. :-)
congratulations! i hope i can take after you. i have lost about 5 from my highest after the holidays, but it still isn't as light as it was a couple of months ago. but you are giving me incentive--that and i don't want to weigh more than dad. i did do my pilates tape this morning and my knees hurt less today and i was full of energy. coincidence?
Good news, when you finish losing yours--I'd be more than willing to part with mine, no I insist a gift for you so you can lose it for me too, eh? ;)
Good for you!
BooBoo: Coincidence?! I think not! =o) Good luck.
Nighthawk: Oh, no, I couldn't. But thank you for the offer! :-P
Maybe Santa's new physique gave you inspiration?
Keep rocking buddy and make 2008 a good one for you and yours. Hey, your dew looks pretty damn good; I like it.
...you too? are these pounds, like melting away for you? I lost 6 so far this year but I think it's the meth not the breakfast cereal ... not sure ... it's kind hard to keep track of things anymore ...
Spinning Girl: Welcome to the madness. =o) Yeah, it was Santa's new physique; I can think of no other reason...maybe those do-gooders were right? ;-)
Nocturnal: Thanks, dude. I shave it because Mr. Clean is my idol. Hope Oh-Eight is a good one for you, too.
Gummy: Meth?! For shame! Yeah, that tends to make one...um, absent-minded. Happy New Year. =o)
Great job!! I've lost a couple here and there, but I haven't been trying very hard. It seems that only eating till you're not hungry anymore, rather than eating till your stuffed works wonders for the waistline.
Anyway, you keep up the good work!!
Hey, KId! =o) Long time, no see. Yeah, I always feel MUCH better when I stop when my body tells me to stop. Why jam more food in, you know?
I need to start eating breakfast. But my goal is to GAIN weight, a little bit of muscle.
m@: Well, I can send you some of my weight. I'll jam it in a brown package and spirit it off to Warshington. Then you could alchemistically turn it into mukkle and that way we both win. Sound like a plan?
Good for you!
I'm all about the cereal in the morning. I'm into the bran...I like to keep things moving.
Thanks, Stacy. Oh, and welcome to the intermittent madness. :-P
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