Barry Bonds passed him tonight; by hitting his 756th career home run, Bonds is now the "Long-Ball" king. Things just don't seem right about that.
Hank Aaron epitomized class while in the major leagues. He was grace under pressure. While he was banging away at the baseballs, ever-inching towards the record that Babe Ruth had held for nearly fifty years, racial slurs were hurled his way and threats were made on his life--and more--because he was a black man in the 1970s, looking to break the great Bambino's hallowed record.
Barry Bonds cheated. He 'roided-up. (Allegedly.) That is not to say that hitting seven hundred and fifty fucking six home runs is an easy task, because it is assuredly not. That is not to say that Barry Bonds did not work his ass off in the weight room and better himself through nutritional sciences, but it is to say that the record has a wholly hollow feel to it.
I actually felt no excitement seeing the record-breaking shot. And I'll bet that a lot of other people felt the same way as I. And I've been a baseball fan my entire life. When I was younger, I would stare at books on baseball history and read up on people like Honus Wagner and Pie Traynor and Cy Young and Christy Mathewson and Ty Cobb and Babe Ruth--and I'd memorize their statistics and I'd get all gooey-eyed.
That ship has sailed.
Barry Bonds... I still cant believe it either... what a sad pathetic world we live in huh
I've watched every single Giant's game since Bonds hit #752 because as a baseball fan I wanted to see the record broken. I've never been a Bonds fan. Not even back in the day when he played in Pittsburgh, so I wasn't rooting for him to do, I just wanted to be a witness to history.
But, I have to say, as much as I dislike Bonds, I think I have a much deeper hatred for Bud Selig. He's a liar and a coward. The "Bud Selig Era" in baseball will also be known as "The Steroid Era".
If Bud says he didn't know anything about steroids in baseball before the late 90's then he's either lying or too fucking stupid to function in society. I'll go with lying.
Missile: In some respects, yes, it *is* a sad and pathetic world in which we live. In others, life is still good.
Jay: 100% agree with you. Bud fucking Selig. He's almost as inept as Dubya! :-/ I wanted to see the moment, too, but I friggin' missed it. Got DAMN Tiger Woods Golf! On the plus side, I beat Micheal Campbell to win a tournament, so I guess *all* wasn't lost. ;-)
Sign of the times, ugh. Did you ever watch the old Home Run Derby--now, that was a class act.
Btw. That record should be null and void anyway cause even if hes clean now - at least half of there homeruns were hit when he was on steroids
Even though I agree with Sylvia, I've really got no opinion on said topic. I just missed ya. So there!
Hope you're well.
I'm kind of on the fence here. His (alleged :)) use of steroids came at a time when sooo many others in baseball were doing the same thing. While he did probably "have some help" he wasn't alone in getting help, but nobody else even came close to doing what he's done. And with A-Rod comin' we won't have to have the debate for very long!
Nighthawk: My memory is muddy, for some reason. I don't even really remember the old-time Home Run Derby. Odd.
Missile: Yeah, I see what you're saying. It's a real drag, though, to have to "asterik" every damned record. =o(
Terry: Well, I'm writing this from my sister's house right now. When i get back to my pad, I'll have oodles of stories of my trip to Minnesota, including but not limited to: beer bonging Absolut, a wild romp with three strippers and a cucumber and an incredible game of Scattergory. :-P
Steve: What up, bro? I know. I hear you. It takes a hell of a ballplayer to hit over 755 home runs, steroids be damned. Shit, though, I don't trust that A-Rod wasn't on the juice, either. That's the shame about all of this: It casts doubt on everyone who plays the game. One person who never gets much ink is Roger Clemens. I have a sneaking suspiscion that he ain't exactly on the up-and-up, either. Blah. When does football start?
Goooooooooooooooooo Lions! :-P
mmhmm So its basically been a coffe and crumbcake kinda visit huh? LOL
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