It's pretty cool, though. It's more of a physical exercise than a mental exercise, when you're typing with your ears plugged. All that I can hear is the distant and muffled clop-cloak-clop-cloak sound of keys being depressed and the wheezy sound of my breath. The TV is a distant blur and my focus is right here, right now, on this monitor. I'm not exactly writing anything, but the pleasure of this post--for me, obviously--is the feeling my fingertips get when I'm typing. In fact, I could keep doing this all night, just typing for the pure vibratory pleasure in my fingertips/nailbeds.
Hello? Hello?! Why did everyone leave?!
it makes me want to go downstairs and find my earplugs to try it out. but since i have to get up so early tomorrow, i think i'll have to try it next time. happy typing.
Ha! Now, begin writing me a short story with the earplugs...use the clop-cloak-clop-cloak sound as a jumping off point. Dark, stormy night in the graveyard, the only sound you can hear.....
Go! Please! Unblock the magic!
Why were you wearing ear plugs anyway? :)
Living in the hear and now is something that people all too often miss. Anything that you can find to increase that is a good thing.
At least, that's what she told me!!
I appreciated you commenting on my blog. Given that it's a new project there's not a great deal of traffic and few comments. Might you be open to a link exchange?
Those ear plugs are likely to come in handy with the cicadas signing outside your window too.
As for the comment on our fearless leader, he'll go down as one of the worst to ever sit in that chair.
I'm with Laura... Why WERE you wearing ear plugs?
Ear plugs bug me. I have sinus and allergy problems and they make it much worse. Besides, I can't hear when I have them in. ;-)
People can talk about me and I won't know it. No that I'm paranoid about these things.
Besides, I don't really need an earplug for my right ear cause I'm practically deef in that ear anyway.
So you're just wearing earplugs for the hell of it then huh...not a bad idea, but I alway have noise around here no matter when it is...could be the middle of the night and I'm sure the kids would come out of their room just to see WHY ON EARTH I was still downstairs! lol Interesting idea though, I might have to give it a try sometime!
When I worked in an outpatient therapy department we would have some of our stroke patients wear earplugs while doing certain hands on tasks to help keep them focused on in the present, and to help retrain their senses so they could put together that they could do a specific task without hearing it. That way they wouldn't learn to compensate using one sense over another, and it would bring the two back together.
Sorry, I tend to ramble while talking shop. These days I'm just a taxi service going from ballet to art to grocery shopping and wiping booties! I wouldn't change it for the world though. :)
BooBoo: Typing was happy, indeed.
Nighthawk: Okay! =o] This time I'll do it! I'm SURE of it.
BunnyLaura: Just for the hell of it. I saw them laying around, so i took 'em out of the package and jammed them in my ears.
Aloha, Aloha_50! Welcome! I already linked to you. Feel free to link to moi. :-)
KId: Perhaps I get off on sensory deprivation? :-O
Jay: I can understand that. Sorry to hear about your ear, man.
T-zah: Do it! I'm sure they would definitely come in handy when one has kids. =o)
Jennifer: No rambling, none at all. I find that extremely interesting. It's amazing, to me, what the human brain is capable of.
Makes me want to buy a pair.
*Has an idea - yayayayayaya.
Earplugs: a simple solution for an array of problems or should I say, heightened, vibrating pleasures =0)
Do it, Mel! Do it! =o)
Anon: Hmm...sign me up! PLEASE!
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