I read that there was an arrest made in connection with the "hoax" perpetrated in Boston at area bridges and highways, at which more than five and less than 50 electronic devices were left, one of which was seen to display the finger! Lock 'em up and throw away the key! Teach 'em a lesson, gosh dammit! I'm being facetious, but....
I have a question: How was it determined to be a hoax? If officials are saying that the reason it is a hoax is because the people who left the devices had intended to make the public and officials believe that the offerings were I.E.D.s--improvised explosive devices--then, sure, it was a hoax. And a pretty ignorant one at that. I have trouble believing that anyone would try to make the public believe that terrorists/insurgents/freedom fighters/terrorists were trying to wreak havoc anew. No one's that stupid, are they? And if that is what they had intended, then, sure, some penalties are in order.
The thing is, I don't really know the whole story and so I probably should not be commenting. In fact, I'm completely out in left field, here, with regards to "knowing the facts," but I will tell you one thing: This post-9/11 world can suck my crank.
Somewhere, the kidney-blasted motherfucker Osama is laughing and rubbing his hands together and saying to his pet goat, "See? This has worked better than we had ever even hoped to dream! We've got the infidels so far up their own asses, they're chasing cartoons around! Hati woofaso mul karraba!"
[The goat snickers and eats a piece of cardboard.]
Mel Brooks said it best, up on the marquee: "It's a mad, mad, mad, mad, mad world."
Now, excuse me...I have some Cartoon Network to go watch.
I have to say I'm with you, Adam. I have absolutely no idea what exactly happened - even after reading the article about it. What exactly IS a "hoax device"? And if it is a device that might resemble a bomb of some sort, what does that have in common with a milk-shake, fries OR a meatball? Gosh, just writing that seemed so silly it made me chuckle a bit, so yeah, Umm, Im confused. :)
I LOVE that cartoon!!!
Hey, Terry! Apparently a local artist in Boston planted the 10 "hoax devices" to draw attention to the cartoon "Aqua Teen Hunger Force." They were electronic "light magnets"--whatever *those* are--and they were attached to circuit boards, bearing a resemblance, apparently, to the workings of IEDs. The artist turned himself in to police and now could be facing charges of Inciting Panic and basically being a Homeland Security Threat. Though, if you ask me--which you didn't--George Dubya has that title all wrapped up. :-(
Hi Cher! Yeah, it's a good one. I particularly like the devilish milkshake. Though the meatball has his moments, too. ;-)
Without getting political, I think GWB has a few titles All Wrapped Up! Well I guess they got what they wanted, cause now I seriously need to see this cartoon.
Why didn't my comment take? I said earlier, and gird yourself, because this was an extremely deep comment:
Thanks for the recommendation, I'll have to check it out.
HOLY SHIT, MELISSA! STOP THE PRESSES! I need to breathe. Breathe, Adam, breathe. Okay. Better now.
Dearest Melooba, your comment was both insightful and it also "pushed the enverlope," as it were. That is a very tough combination to pull off on a blog comment section but--I'll be damned--you did it.
Kudos, Mel, kudos. ;-)
I have the first two seasons of ATHF on DVD. The Mooninites are so funny.. I think they're the ones who were featured on those "suspicious" devices. I can't believe how paranoid people are, especially in Boston! People are living in a State of Fear and lovin' every minute it.
Run! Light Brites coming your way!
See you on the other side! ;)
Ephie--I've only seen snippets of it, but it seemed pretty good to me! Boston. Yes. State of fear. Logan Airport is where the assholes took off from, so maybe it's kinda warranted.
Nighthawk--Is the "other side" filled with 72 virgins for my perusal? Shit. I coulda gone for women with a little more...experience...if you know what I mean. (wink, wink, nudge, nudge) =)
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