I will wait for her.
Now, before You Who Read start getting all gasp-y and oh no-y and "He's a stalker"-y, let me disabuse ye of that thought process-y. I'm not a stalker. No, not me. I simply know what is meant to be and I am a strong believer in the proverb, "Let nothing stand in the way of your dreams." Maria is my dream and I dream of Maria. They are tame dreams, never you worry. They are dreams in which Maria and I take Louie on walks through fields of daffidols and poppies and they are dreams in which I smooch her softly on her smooth tanned cheeks and tell her how much I care for her before I spread the picnic blanket and pull out the weiners and put them in the buns. They are sweet dreams in which rabbits are ubiquitous and eggs seem to always flit from the periphery. These are tame dreams, I assure you. Why will you not believe me?
("Listen not to the beating of the hideous heart! Dissemble no more!")
These are tame dreams.
In no dreams did I forcibly take her; in no dreams did I cover her in hot fudge and take my time, savoring the chocolate. I tell you this: In no dreams did I play strip tennis with her and lose on purpose. (Because, you know, I could beat her in tennis, if I really tried. The only way she could beat me is if my bad shoulder started acting up and, then, she'd barely beat me.) In no dreams--none, I say!--did I train my tongue to speak the fluent Russian language of love: "Perostroika! Borscht! Glasnost! Da!"
These were tame dreams and I will wait for her. And that's my story, and that's the bottom line; and I'm sticking to both.
I'm sure that she dreams of me, as well. Well, why wouldn't she? We are virtual soul-mates. We were meant to be together. Forget age. So what that I have 14 years on her? Age is a number, doggone it!
And, again, take this not as a misguided fantasy of a sickened mind. Take this not as megalomaniacal delusions of grandeur. I believe it when I say it: I will marry Maria. She will be happy and content and will bear me three children, two boys and a girl, and Louie will grow old and fat and content with us, his favourite place on the floor underneath our love-crossed legs. Please allow me to break down...wait, I didn't finish!
Please allow me to break down why She is for me and Me equals We:
1. She's athletic and I'm athletic.
2. She's 6'2" and I'm 5'8". Add the numbers up. She equals 8 and I equal 13. 8 is double-infinity and 13 is a feared number. People fear infinity because their minds cannot wrap around it--it is too vast an idea. Thus we share fear. And the double is just a throw-in. I mean, Jesus, there are two of us, for God's sake!
3. She grunts on every forehand, and I've been known to do the same--just a different sport, you see.
4. I'm athletic and she's athletic.
5. We both come from countries that, in the past, have been referred to as "Super Powers."
Need I continue? Or don't you see why Maria and I are a match made in Heaven? If you don't see it, you're blind. Irregardlessly, I'll give you a couple more reasons.
6. She has three vowels in her first name and I have two. That corresponds intimately with the difference in our height. You know?
7. (Lucky number 7.) I heard it from a friend who heard it from a friend who heard it from a cousin's girlfriend who heard it from her aunt's hairstylist that Maria's uncle's brother's sister heard it from an acquaintance that Maria had a crush on me. And, seriously, who could blame her?
I'll send you all tickets when we establish a date to wed. I'll keep you posted, okay?
Dude, you guys were made for each other. There is no way she'll be able to resist you.
I don't understand why ESPN bothers to show the men's draw in tennis. Nobody is watching it. Everybody just wants to see all the 6 Russian blondes.
Oh, and by "everybody" I mean "ME".
I know, Jay. Maria is mine.
And, I hear ya, man. Men's tennis is BORING. 298 MPH ace! 15-LOVE. And...so on. Meanwhile, on the women's side o' the net, there are rallies and grunts and lithe tanned bodies flexing and lunging. Need anybody say more? (And by "anybody," I mean "I.")
As Daniel Day Lewis was wont to say in *The Last of the Mohicans*, "Maria, I will cum back for you!"
(Damn spell-check.)
Pull out the weiners and put them in the buns...hehe ;)
Shall I break it to rsm?
A summer wedding would be nice! ;0
Good girl, Nighthawk! ;-) You caught the double-entendre of the "weiners" and the "buns!" I mean..."Whutah?"
*Please* don't break it to Ressum! *Please* don't! She'll be crushed! She's fragile, that way, and I don't want to be the man in the black hat to her. If it'll keep everyone happy and all things rolling upon an even keel, I'll practice polygamy, if I have to. I'm a martyr, that way. I'll do what is necessary. There is always room for another blonde.
Summer wedding? Naw. I was thinking of a November wedding in the small fishing village of Ostrov Ketel'nyy on the New Siberian Islands, in the Laptev Sea. Maria has relatives who live on that island, don'tcha know.
Bring yon parka.
Oh, and also, Miss Nighthawk: "...smooch her softly on her smooth tanned cheeks." That could be taken a couple of ways, too. =) And what cheeks they are! On her face, thilly.
Yes, I think rsm will be devastated, but it is quite obvious that you and Maria are destined to be together forevah! I also think a summer wedding would be nice...but if it must be November then I have an excuse to buy a dress parka (well, you wouldn't wear a normal parka to a wedding now would you?)
Like Jay said, you two were totally made for each other! Don't forget to invite me to the wedding. :)
We're going to need tickets? Make sure we get good seats, please!
If a girl doesn't swoon when you whisper, "Borscht" in her ear, there's something wrong with her.
LOL, Meliss--"Borscht" certainly *has* been known to make women--of all nationalities--weak in the knees. There's just something about cold beet soup that stokes the female libido's fires to a raging inferno. It is what it is.
Ephie and LilMiss--Tickets will be sent to your respective blog and/or pitcker site.
And, LilMiss? The festivities *are* B.Y.O.P. (Bring Your Own Parka) but it need not be dressy.
(Oh. And bring your ice skates, if you got 'em.)
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