(A not-so-quick tangential aside: Why do people feel compelled, when speaking of dual eyeglasses, to say "Two pair of glasses?" Would it not be "two pairs of glasses?" I mean, if one has spectacles, they have a "pair" of spectacles; if they have two pairs of specta--okay, whatever, you get the point. It's really not worth it to explain. Oh shit, I can't stop. You don't say two pair of pants, do you? No, you say two pairs of pants. Now that I've bludgeoned that equine to death, I'll, uh, carry on. No I won't. Sorry. I used to work at a pizza place called Hungry Howie's. My manager, a MILF named Darlene, took it to the next damned level: When she wanted two trays of, say, medium dough, she would ask me to, you guessed it, bring her "two tray of medium." I don't even know where to start with that one. But...I let her slide. She was cute.)
So, anyway, with the recent boon of my tax returns and the money I've saved by not drinking toxic liquids to excess, I have slowly but surely began accumulating more wealth. I've gotten some things that I really don't need, but one thing that I most definitely needed was a pair of glasses. So I paid a visit to the optometrist.
The ones I have now--note the snapshot--are well beyond repair. They're bent to shit, the lenses are scratched like a mofo and the perscription, as I found out today, is hopelessly out of date. In fact, by occasionally wearing them whilst I drive at night, I probably fucked my eyes up more than they had been. I've always had a pretty good-sized astigmatism in my right eye; I found out, with glee, today, that now my left eye is astigmatic. Huzzah.
Here's my perscription, if you give a hoot: 20/40 in my left eye and 20/70 in my right eye. Not horrible, sure, but the astigmatisms definitely accentuate the problema.
Have I mentioned that I'm pretty fucking vain? Sadly, I am. That's one of the reasons I've never really jumped on the glasses-wearing bandwagon full-bore. I've felt, in the past, that adding eyeglasses to a bald head makes me completely uncool rather than sort of uncool. So, I guess the question is: Would I rather be blind and not-so-cool or would I rather be sighted and...perfectly fine? I'll choose the latter, Alex, for six-hundred.
Here's where medical insurance rears is beautiful head. With co-pays and all that nonsense, I ended up spending $161.00 on two pairs of glasses. Without said insurance, I would have had to fork over $491.00 for the same two pairs. How the hell do people manage without insurance? I'm asking you, President Chimpanzee.
Life is good...and now I'll be able to see it. =)
If el presidente chimpanzee reads, I'm afraid I'm going to have to quit you. ;)
Adam, what about contact lenses? My husband has astigmatism and wears lenses--toric, shaped for y'alls goofiness :D (I kid, about the goofiness-hehe)
Is Hungry Howie's the pizza that has the different kind of crusts? You know, garlic crust, etc?
Ha...I know what you mean...My insurance does not include vision, so I haven't been there in like four years ;0( I really need to get my ass in gear but that shit is so expensive! I have an astigmatism too and I had contacts. I am sure that Maria will love you with or without the glasses anyway ;0) (I had to)
Astigmatic is now my favorite word.
There is nothing like insurance. Nothing. Do you know what a trip to Emergency (after hours, or I'd have gone to a Redicare or something) for a few stitches costs nowadays? $1134.20
That's right. $231 Radiology, $770 ER, $73.20 Drugs (anesthetic), $60 Vaccine (tentanus shot)
If I hadn't had insurance, I'd have sewed my hand up myself, no kidding.
Can't wait to check out the two pair of specs!
P.S. to Little Missy
I got a pair of contacts and a pair of glasses (Adam, that's two pair of corrective lenses, right?) at Target Optical for $200-250. I need to get back there myself soon. Things are slowly starting to blur.
Nighthawk: I'm not a fan of contact lenses. It seems to be too much of a bother for me, a sorta maybe kinda lazy-ass. Hungry Howie's does indeed have flavoured crust: Poppyseed, Cajun, Butter-Cheese, Garlic, Sesame Seed and they used to have Rye but discontinued it because no one ever bought it. My favourite is Cajun-Garlic-Butter-Cheese. Yum in tum.
LilMiss: The Maria thing fell through. :-( But thanks for reminding me. :-( [;-)] Yeah, I don't understand why insurance would *not* cover vision. I mean, shit, the ability to see does kinda come in handy.
Mel-Mel: $1134.20!!! Friggin' ridiculous! Outrageous! Highway robbery! Okay. You get the point. You would have had to plaster some duct tape to it and call it good. And the two PAIRS of glasses are pretty cool-looking. I'm happy with my DECISIONS. =) BTW, did you notice the English-variances on the two words up above? I'm sure you did. You're eyes are probably bleeding now. Sorry. :-(
I think glasses on men are teh sexay.. and it is a very good thing to be able to see!!
I can't tell you how many people I know who say things like, "two pair," "Gimme six foot of cord," etc. I always thought it was just an Okie thing. I have several Okie relatives, you know. ;-)
Ephie--I do now. Before, you see, I had not known that you had Okie relatives. Yeah, that "foot" versus "feet" thing bugs me, too. There's a dispatcher at work who says things like, "The service runs out six foot from the house and then heads south for 72 foot and it's 3 feet to the main." Yeah, there's no rhyme or reason, seemingly, for when he uses "foot" versus "feet." Then again, maybe I'm just hypersensitive to the yoos uv teh Englush langooge. ;-)
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