There is a thought process out there, in the Land of the Readers, that putting one's life out on the Internet is a dangerous balancing act in the first place, let alone when one uses curse words with impunity. The thought process is that the curse words are not being used with impunity. The thought is that, when overused, as I have done, the consequences will be that whoever reads my weblog will come away from the reading session with the impression that I am cold and hard and that I have built walls around myself to keep myself safe. That I'm unapproachable. And that, basically, I'm a dick.
Nothing could be further from the truth. I am actually quite caring and empathetic, so if you believe me to be an unintelligent jerk, please let me disabuse you of that notion straightaway.
On the flip side of the metal money piece, I have to say, with all honesty, that I couldn't give a flying fuck at a rolling doughnut if people are offended by my use of curse words and dark subject matter. This is my journal, these are my thoughts; I write in it and I paste it to the forebrains of the Internet wanderers. I will not bow, I will not censor myself, I will not curtail myself to the whims/suggestions of any who read this drivel.
I'm not including my beloved family member in that group. She had an opinion and she voiced it. More power to her. It just is what it is.
But, I have taken it under advisement. Perhaps I will cut back a bit on the F-bombs. What could it hurt? And my next post shall be about puppies and ice cream cones and butterflies. Oh. And smiles.
Thank you so fricking much for thinking of our delicate sensibilities. I appreciate the heck out of it.
De friggin' nada, mi hermana. ;-)
My virgin eyes thank you! Haha..just kidding. I actually curse more verbally than I do on my blog. I guess I too don't want people to get the wrong idea. If you would meet me in person, it's funny, but writing it just sounds callous. Hope you had a good new years!
My lands! I didn't notice whether or how often you cursed here, so I'm guessing swearing has a lot less impact than it used to. Don't give it a second thought. If you swear, you swear. If you don't, you don't.
True. True to both Melissas.
Sis Meliss, I swore a lot in the angry posts, but, yes, I intend to write it how I think it.
MissyLittle, it does read kinda callously, sometimes. But my next post shall be G-rated, and if I can pull *that* off, I deserve a prize of some sort! ;-)
Sometimes....the salty language is the only thing that fits the bill :)
My point egg-zactly, Nighthawk. Fuckin-A!
I'll bet I swear more than you do!!
I don't fucking think so, E. No motherfucking way. Shit! Motherfucking please. ;-)
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