My skin is dry--it's wintertime. And I drink too much coffee. And so last night I went to the local 24-hour superstore and I bought some Imodium A-D and some Jergen's lotion. (I also bought "Kill Bill," but that is neither here nor there.) Unbidden, a story/reason swam to my forebrain. It went like this: Because I drink so much coffee, my stomach is often in distress, causing many trips to the bathroom which, in turn, throws the whole waste management hardware out of whack. Thus, Imodium A-D. What's the Jergen's for? I'll--for once in my weblogging life--keep it clean, here. The Jergen's is for my dry skin.
Have I learned my lesson? Have I cut down on the Brown Devil? No! I haven't. What do I have? A death-wish? I still (Cliche-alert!) drink coffee like it's going out of style. I am taking steps, though, to make my life more manageable. I popped an Ammodium, this morning, with the rest of my vitamins. So...that's something. I swear, I visted the bathroom four times before ten o'clock on Saturday morning. That ain't good. It got to the point where the idea of ricin-poisoning flashed across my mind. In case you don't know what ricin is, it is a bean from a plant that is used, I believe, to make castor oil. The bad guys out there are said to have the poison and are looking to introduce it into our food and/or water supply. The death from ricin is not very pleasant. At all. Basically, what happens, is that it liquifies the affected's insides and the person ends up shitting him- or herself to death. Yes. That crossed my mind.
But then I had to say to myself, "Adam? You drink exorbitant amounts of java. Perhaps that is the root cause of your maladic pooping."
[Sometimes? Sometimes it is better to write nothing than to write whatever crosses one's mind. Exhibit A? This post.]
Postscript--As I went back to this to edit the spelling of Imodium A-D, I realized that this was my 69th post. I'm going to have to call in to work and try to take the day off in celebration of that oh-so magical number.
Mmmm, coffee. =) The first thing I thought of when I read about the fish and Vaseline was that the guy was planning on sticking it in a very uncomfortable place... like the back of a Volkswagen.
69 hehe! Did you get the original cherry almond scent Jerkins? ;)
Oh shit....gotta go! ;)
How much coffee do you drink in a day?
P.S. Good flick.
E--Mmm, coffee, indeed. Too much damn Mmm, though! What better place for a Vaseline-slathered fish than the back of a Volkswagen? ;-)
Nighthawk--I, uh, think you spelled "Jergen's" wrong. Uh, just to let you know. MY BACK'S DRY, DAMMIT! ;-) And...did you *have* to say "Oh shit...gotta go!"? I'm like Pavlov's dog, here. BTW, woot and woot! 69!
Mel--Thanks for the props on the Flickr. I truly appreciate it and hopefully I can say something nice about your Flickr...IF YOU EVER POST AGAIN!!! ;-) Regarding coffe: I probably put away about--well, let's just put it this way; I drink it all day and night--so I probably put away about a 1.57 pots per day. Too much, I know.
Nighthawk--There's gotta be a joke in the fact that the "Jerkin's" is cherry-almond scented, but I'm failing to get it. Do tell if there is a joke...also, how about that calzone recipe?
Isn't a jerkin a type of pickle? Now I'm imagining a fish jerkin' his gherkin with a lotion slathered pickle in the back of a Vaseline filled Volkswagen. Whew!
Your imagination knows no bounds, Ephie. "I'm imagining a fish jerkin' his gherkin with a lotion slathered pickle in the back of a Vaseline filled Volkswagen." That is THE hottest thing I have EVER read. ;-) I also like how the Volkswagen is back for an encore, yet, this time, it is FILLED with Vaseline. Couldn't the fish just rent a room somewhere if he wanted some private thyme with his pickle? I mean, Jeezum, do we HAVE to be subjected to that sight? It's kinda like that picture you have of the gay Barbie guys doing some spanking love. (Hilarious, by the way. So too the one where they're in the convertible. It doesn't get more light-looking than that! ;-P)
I think the fish, and the gay Kens as well, have an exhibitionist streak. They get off on subjecting the rest of us to their P.D.A.s. ;)
I think you nailed it, Ephie. What I want to see now is a menage a tois with the 2 Kens and the heretofore anonymous fish. Should be a good one. ;-)
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