Monday, December 04, 2006


It's 9:30 AM, here, in Michigan. I have today off of work. (And tomorrow, too, but who the hell asked?)

I have W.A. Mozart blaring through my computer's speakers. If there were ever a "musical Prozac," this dude, Wolfgang, would corner the market.

It is difficult to put into words the feelings I get when I listen to Wolfie. It's kinda like this: There is no way in the heavens that such TALENT should exist. The rise and fall of the melody, the cut/scratches of the violins, the blissful rise of the horn section, the meandering cellos....

It IS musical Prozac. Whoever "coined" that phrase needs a raise.

[He throws his two cents into the fountain, shrugs, slams his hands in his pockets, and walks down the road.]


Nanette said...

I like a little Mozart, the fifth.

[tapsfootpatientlywaitingfortheoneaboutZebras] no rush though, I am offline until later :)

Adamity73 said...

The Fifth is Beethoven, right?

His best works: The 5th, the 7th and the be-all-end-all, the 9th.

Nanette said...

Ah...fuck, I guess I should stick to what I know....

I don't know why I thought it was Mozart's fifth.....anyway, I like the one that you can remember by saying Mozart's in the closet...let him out let him out let him out whatever one that may be---?!?hmmmmm

Nanette said...

I have found it....Mozart's 40th....there, that's better :)

Adamity73 said...

yes, Nighthawk. much betterer.
