it begins like this.
Life is a series of choices
Life is a jig-jag of missed
opportunities and seized
trundling box-cars and the
do fly
in a whipping motion as we cling for dear-fear
that we don't fall
tumble to the dusty iron tracks
and watch as the Train of Life clips us off
at the knees.
Life is a series of changes
brought about by choice.
take the fork less-traveled advised some fuck named
take this, Frost...i mean, nice idea, kind sir
Life is beautiful and Life sucks
air from our lungs; we turn blue and bluer and wonder
whence we can garner some oxygen
Life is fine and Life is coarse
strangers who huddle in shadows and toss pitchforks at our feet and push
us as we walk the tightrope between
Success and Loathing
and Failure and Happiness.
is what it is.
watch our strings!
as we lift our legs
throw our hands
to the heavens...who is in control?
Being good bores the
Hell out me.
Being bad puts it right back in
where it belongs.
take a chainsaw to the number thirteen and take a
chainsaw to the Devil in us all...
meet an appealing woman
ask her for a date tomorrow
buy her a chardonnay
silently seethingly suck a diet coke, which is
as appealing as sucking a flea off a dog's
"hind leg"
look on the bright side, says the caring family
what fucking bright side, says the coke-swallower
you have a spring in your step, say they, and the sky is blue
spring this...i mean, yeah, you know? you're right!
Thanks for posting my picture (front and center) ;)
It is interesting-- just exactly who is the puppetmaster? You are very thought provoking even in your darkness.
A Virtual Hug for you (((Adam))), I think you could use one.
you know, nanette, i was going to ask you if i could use your likeness in my post, but i went ahead and did it anyway.
thanks for the hug--right back atcha! :-)
and i think the puppetmaster? i think his name was Henson, James Henson, and he created the Muppets among other divinities
Vaya con Dios, Nighthawk!
by the way, Nan th' Nighthawk: your legs are loooooooooooong! :-)
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