All that talk about having a cold and I think I sympathetically garnered one, just for you. *smile*
Colds suck. And this weather isn't helping any. Fucking rain and lowered temperatures. Here's an assignment, class: Pretend that you are playing an imaginary violin and aim it in my general direction. (I live near Detroit, so aim accordingly.) After you play a few imaginary chords, ask, aloud, to your computer monitor, "Adam? Would you like some cheese with your whine?" If you're at work and you think you would feel a little self-conscious doing that, go the ASL website and learn how to sign it in my general direction.
Hi, my name is Adam, and I'm a pussy. "Hi, Pussy!"
I'm really really really truly not a fan of being sick. It makes smoking ciggies that much more difficult. Want some unintended irony? Other names for cigarettes include "straights" and "faggots." Is it just me, or that ironic as hell?
I have three days to kick this cold to the kerb. I can do it. (And, yes, this is *all* about me. It's a weblog, for crissakes!)
Okay. Time to go to a meeting. Peace.
Being sick does fully suck! I hope you get well quickly....eat some chicken soup, take some medicine, and drink some o.j. I don't think I have ever heard of a sympathetic cold before, but tis' a strange world we live in ;0)
Don't husbands sometimes get "sympathetic" labor pains when their wife is going through the trials of childbirth? Well, my sister was sick and so I--being a hero--took the malady from her and bestowed it upon myself. Yeah. Either that, or I caught the bug that everybody and their brother's cousin has. :-)
By the way, I'm eating Taco Bell and drinking coffee. That should work, right?
Ha ha...yep, Taco Bell will kill whatever you have ;0) I have heard of sympathetic labor pains and sympathetic baby weight...just not a sympathetic cold.
Well, you learn something new every day. By the way, LilMiss, if I don't get a chance let me wish you a Merry Christmas now.
Also, it's raining here in MI. Do you feel like hopping on a plane and working for me today? I'd really appreciate it. And if you get called to a gas leak just scoff and tell the people that it's in their heads. Cool?
Thanx. ;-)
Thank you Adam, Merry Christmas to you as well. I wouldn't mind working for you, but I hate to fly. If it makes you feel any better, it's raining here too ;0(
slightly-better, yes. misery lurves company, i reckon.
Next time you think you are getting a cold, or are in the company of someone with a cold--try airborne. I swear it works; quite possibly placebo effect, but what does it matter as long as it does the job.
Sorry you are sick :( Throw the germs my way and I'll take them away--me and my airborne!
Merry Christmas Adam and Lou!
Merry Christmas, Nighthawk!
Thanks for the offer, but I'm starting to feel better already. BTW, what is Airborne? Some cold medicine? I assume, yes.
Hi, Pussy!
Fine, blame me. I blame Mom. The Blame Game, coming to your area soon!
In all seriousness, I think you really might have shouldered that cold for me. I'm still stuffy and coughing, but not feeling near as germy as before, and now that I think of it, the timing is right. If so, thanks man. You're a peach.
Merry Christmas, from me to you.
xoxo, Missy
De nada, sis. It (the cold) is now ratcheting up its vitriol, though. Now I'm feeling hot and weak and the inside of my nose feels like sandpaper. And I'm still sneezin'. Whee! I took Nighthawk's advice and bought some Airborne. So far, nothing, but I'll continue to take it.
Again with the vitriol, eh?
Peggy at work swears by Zicam. I tried it with Nyquil pills and Theraflu, and who knows if it worked, but it didn't hurt.
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