I'm out. Ten days in a rehabilitation center which, at times, was as surreal as anything I have ever experienced. People hear the word "addict" and an unsavory image probably swims to their forebrain. Let me tell you this: I was in there from the 8th until today, the 18th, and I can say with certainty that I have never met a group of people, with such varying socioeconomic backgrounds, who pulled for each other as much as this group at Maplegrove did. We had solidarity. Which, to me, is obvious, because we all face the same problem: Addiction. Be it alcohol or crack or powder or smack, we all bend to the weight of the King Kongs on our backs.
During the ten days, with six to seven hours of lecture and meetings per day, I began to feel the weight of the massive gorilla lessen on my back and I began to be able to walk more upright, with my shoulders square to face the world and whatever it had to throw at me. I'm not going to lie. I still have a monkey on my back; I still have a problem and will ALWAYS have a problem with mood-altering drugs. But I was given the tools to combat the Beast, the tools to chip away at its knees. And I feel damn good about that. All the cliches in the world were spoken at Maplegrove. You've heard them, I'm sure. But it all boils down to this: One day at a time. And that's as true as an arrow.
It was the best decision I've ever made. Life may not be rosy all the time--in fact, it often sucks ass--but to face it with a clear head and to be sober is paramount in my life, right now.
Anyway, I had a lot of time on my hands when I was in there and I fell into writing poetry. Some poems are dark and some are uplifting. Some are comical--naw. I wasn't exactly in a joking mood, in regards to literature. Here are a few poems, for the most part chronologically-posted, for your perusal:
"Maplegrove" Tuesday 3:16AM
give us your swillers
your poppers your
strung-out injectors
your inhalers
your rollers your
huddled *missed* slackers
with patience tough
love and learn-ed
the lame may turn
strong (and but
eye-rolling didactors)
o' but one sacred *Life*
is given to all; with patience
and work
we will *all* become factors
"Alive" Tuesday 6:16AM
alive. bipedal arm-swinging
humanoids, carbon-based
life-forms capable of both
great Love and great Malice
--God, Yaweh, Buddha, Mohammed--
a brilliant sunrise, a sobering sunset
all give and give us bipedal
arm-swingers Free Will and
the wrapped, bowed gift of
*Choice*. alive
"As Hard as I Can" Tuesday 9:20PM
as hard as i can i
slam my fist into the
off-colored Wall of Denial and
my fist shatters
chrystalline like glass and
the wall follows suit
fist and wall flutter to floor
in a puff of
where my hand had been is
now just a bloodless
and it seeks to fill the void
pushing sliding ever-so
it smooths into the void and
encounters the Abyss
what is behind this blank portal
of Amputation?
one way to go. forward
"The Sobering Reality" Tuesday 10:00PM
reality comes in many forms
some are just more
than others
in a clinic in the hoity-toits
of the hand-state a man
was admitted wearing the green of Hospital...
his movements were jerky and
his thoughts were
of Reason
his liver was frazzled and
sizzled like bacon
cirrhosis of the liver
and i wondered if an end-game
scenario like that could
lead like a shepherd the sheep
of Madness
could the toxins that the liver failed
to metabolize cause one to go insane?
i didn't want to know but I
sure as Hell was not going to shun him
"The Sleeping Beast"
a sense of melancholy
pervades my soul
yet a distant hopeful flare
lights the night-day sky
i feel as though i am
on the verge of losing a
very dear friend, one of whom
has been with me throughout
thin and thick over many years
though i grieve for my dear friend
i also silently, surreptitiously,
do somersaults and cartwheels
a wise doctor once said,
"one must tread quietly past
the sleeping Beast;
for one wants It to remain as It is"
"Self-Loathing" Wednesday 8:50AM
tell me what you think of this:
a man checks himself in to a clinic
for drinking, of all things,
innocuous Beer
looks in the mirror, sees
bald fat ugly fucker
staring back at him
fuck creativity and fuck
let the bitch have it with
...both barrels
a piece-of-shit motherfucking
slice-nutted man
checks himself in to a clinic
for drinking, of all things
innocuous Beer
looks in the mirror, sees
bald fat ugly fucker
with dead eyes
and little to no strength
---the end---
.the fuck.
"Check-Out Time" Wednesday 11:35PM
where does it all begin?
and when will it all end?
what shape will the Beast take
when the end-game draws nigh?
are there spheres of Distant
interspersed throughout our planes of Sense?
are we one with ourselves or
are we fighting until the end?
is that shadow a Being?
is that light-shaft a Portal?
can we walk into the Light
and zip ourselves up tight
pillowed against the destruction
of latching on to Energy?
should we even bother?
my throat--tight--tells me no
my mind--renewed--is again my enemy
when did it all begin?
and where will it end?
salud. adios. buh-bye. i'm checking out.
"Not-So Comfortably Numb" Wednesday 11:58PM
all of these negative fucking emotions
tumble back into my
band-box of a brain and
Rage says hello to Anxiety and
Depression slaps Fear on the back
like a good long-lost buddy
(it's party-time)
talk is of Fellowship and that
talk is just grand but
how does one join a blasted Fellowship
when one has isolated oneself
for so-very long?
i prefer Numbness to Angst
i'd rather bid farewell to Dash's years
than to slog through the taffy of Suffering
call me crazy--i don't like pain
better to die a loner's death
than to parry and proffer and get
shot down in flames...
this is about the fear of Rejection.
there. i made it easy for you.
"The Coyotes"
i stand calm, smoking
from woods two coyotes shine
vanish in moonlight
"The Gray Haze Descends" Friday 1:16AM
the gray haze descends and i watch
with heavy-lidded lizard's eyes
i watch as a thin sheen of
buffers me from the Dark's forces
all worries slide silently away
as i watch the gray haze descend
chaos and catastrophies lose their solidity
they turn dark-gray and then blend
into the sheen
and then they are as ghosts
transparent, easy to fold up
and put in my pocket
i'll carry the Chaos with me always,
crinkled and creased with the
dust of many Years, wary
always, of its ability to unfold
and replace gray haze with the Red carpet of Hell
"Every Day Daily" Saturday 11:55PM
smack-forward to Present
busted lives, forgotten Love
to see suffering is to remember
--every day daily--
for the rest of the natural life
the power of and the wounds from the Beast
every day daily we need to tear apart
the scabbed dermis and probe
fingers through cavity
of blood
and tissue
to forget is to die and
to remember is to daily-live
throughout heartaches and loss and
throughout Light-filled times
our Darkness must be omnipresent
we must hold it close to our breast
as tenderly as a baby bird,
careful not to crush it yet strong
enough to keep it caged
every day daily
next to our heart. where it belongs
"Foxholes" Sunday 9:15PM
you make fast friends in foxholes
thrown together by varying circumstances
relationships borne of strife
cemented with a common goal
a flashing neon sign in the temporal lobe:
you make fast friends in foxholes
with the rockets booming overhead
and the grenades of Addiction
--tearing apart--
showering dirty souls slow-motion-up
into the air and
back down with a
breathless sob
forged with a common goal
broken souls--bleeding--regenerate
and Light begins to filter
back into Darkened lives
the Beast of Burden caterwauls
and dissolves but slowly
but, that's fine:
we have Time on our sides
I am glad you are back and doing well Adam *hugs* Your poetry was great as usual!
fuckin' awesome, man! i admire the raw guts you bring to the fight for yourself ... that you do it on your own terms ... that you are fearless in your honesty
gracing the journey with your poetry is a gift to us ... thanks ... i especially liked "As Hard as I Can"
you have a community here that roots for you ... I think you touch something in many of us ... that struggle for integrity, for fullness, for the sharp inhalation under a bright blue sky on a crisp clear morn ... keeping reaching out ... use us
I was inspired by the Sleeping Beast....saying goodbye to a dear friend....well said. No matter what addictions we all have, I think that is the common link, they feel like our dear friends even though they treat us like "shit".
Your struggle is just beginning, and I wish you the best of luck. :)
thank you, lilmiss. i gotta say that it is GREAT to be back! I look forward to reading your stuff later tonight. Peace!
gummy--thanks for the props. and i will use...you guys and gals out there. i feel my writing shifting a bit, towards the poetry end. although a good snappy short story is also fun. "sharp inhalation under a bright blue sky on a crisp clear morn"...nicely-phrased; and that's kinda how i feel right now. reborn.
nighthawk nan--you're tellin' me! :-) i can't even see the woods from which i need to get out, at this point in time, but, yes, the struggle/slash journey is just beginning. and i fucking look FORWARD to it. as Borat is wont to say, "Eet ees nicccce."
Welcome home, Adam!
I like the poems, particularly Sleeping Beast and the Grey Haze Descends. And I love the line: and Rage says hello to Anxiety and Depression slaps Fear on the back like a good long-lost buddy.
Very glad to have you back.
it's good to be back, sees-tah! very very good to be back. i want this SO FUCKING BADLY. i went to an AA meeting tonight, and it was good (though i slammed something like a pot of coffee before i went; not good for the nerves, especially after going without caffiene for 10 days) so, anyway, it was good, and, on the way home, i got choked up because i want sobriety so badly. not to get all sloppy-religous, but i kinda freaked out a bit and started thanking Jesus and God. and then? then i started speaking in tongues and foaming at the mouth and handling dangerous rattlesnakes. (actually, that last part was kind of a joke. there are no rattlesnakes in Michigan, silly)
it comes down to this--and i do realize that i'm getting pretty monotonous, here--i don't want to be a drunk. i don't want to fuck up my life. i don't want to alienate people. RATHER, i want to be what i should be: adam. not what alcohol makes me. so i'm going to use any and every damn tool i can use to make a sober life a reality. but, damn. it's going to be a bitch.
I know you want it, and that's great that you went to an AA meeting already. It probably WILL be a bitch, at least at first, but you've got the tools and the strength and the drive, and that's quite a bit behind you.
xoxo, Missy
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