lifejackets during stressful times. They're comic relief. They're a lot of other things, but I'm running out of time, here.
Lou is three days shy of his third birthday--December 23rd. According to doggy dynamics, his third birthday should equal about approximately around 21 human years. So. I'd been planning to take him out to some bars in downtown Royal Oak and get his ass all fucked up on shots and beer, but, sadly, that plan will not be consumated. I was looking forward to it, too. I've never seen the kid drunk. I've seen him buzzed a couple of times, but that doesn't really count because he was at home, in the apartment, and it was an ostensibly safe environment. I was actually looking forward to seeing how King Lou interacted with the bitches after he'd had a few too many. I was wondering if it was going to be a like-father-like-son-type-of-thing. Not that I interact with bitches, you see. I interact with women and ladies, but Lou is a canine and so he interacts with bitches although, sadly, not much goes on down there for him, seeing as how he was snipped at an early age. Poor kid.
So, yeah. Pets are cool. I'm going to make this an interactive weblog posting. Does anybody out there in Cyberland have any interesting anecdotes to share about their beloved pets? Come on. Don't be shy. Step right up to the microphone and let loose. Without talking, emotions get bottled up. Talking/typing is very cathartic.
The floor is yours....
One of my dogs thinks he's a cat and has taken to twining between my legs for attention.
The other one will give you a very sullen look if you have the temerity to ask him to shove over and quit hogging your side of the bed.
an 85-pound cat? yoiks!
tell the other bastard that he's LUCKY to have such an understanding mother. tell him that a lot of doggies out on this spinning rock that stay Outside, chained to a tree, with only a makeshift dog "house" as shelter. tell 'im that and see if he still has the audacity/nerve to be sullen. damn, meliss! these big words! i had to look up "temerity." i don't like being bested, dammit. ;-)
Ha ha...last night when I went to get a shower, Buddy followed me into the bathroom. When I got in the shower and started washing my hair....he decided it would be delightful to join me. He actually got in the damn shower!!!
You mean to tell me that Buddy's gargantuan head actually *fit* into the shower? Wonders will never cease.
Lou sidles in sometimes when I'm showering and licks at the edge of the tub...I guess he likes the taste of soap. He's an odd cod.
Yep, his big head, and the rest of his big self fit in the tub....I couldn't stop laughing...he was just sitting there getting rained on by the water looking at me as if to say "What? you got in here, so why shouldn't I?" I just looked really funny. Had I not been naked, I would've taken a picture ;0p
ah! bah! never let mere *nakedness* dissuade you from taking a stellar picture, lilmiss! Be true to your art form! Take me, for example. No matter what I'm doing, no matter what I'm wearing, if I see a picture worth taking, why, I'll run outside and take said picture, swinging flim-flam be damned!
["Mommy?" asked the wide-eyed little boy. "What's a flim-flam? And why does it swing?"]
I have no problem taking a picture while being naked, I just don't want to have a picture TAKEN of me while being naked (I was in the shower with the dog at the time);0)
gotcha. mere semantics. ;-)
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