I am bummed out--I've known that dog since she was a puppy--but I can't imagine what Pablo is going through. He's had her since she was a puppy, about seven years now. Anyone who doesn't realize that a dog is like a family member and, without the animal, silence echoes around the house, has missed out on a really human experience.
I asked him the basic question: "Did she have any form of identification on her?" No. His girl got him a tag with Roxy's name and his phone number on it, but he said that it kept falling off, so he never made it stay. Damn.
I've called him and texted him these last couple of days, and he has not returned my phone calls. Last night he sent me a text saying, "Thanks for your concern. I'll talk with you soon."
This absolutely sucks for him, I'm sure. He's got to be feeling pretty guilty right now. I know I would be. All I can do is be there if and when he wants to talk.
Right after I heard the news, I slapped together a "LOST DOG" poster and dropped it in his door. (He had not been home.) Hopefully he has copied the hell out of that and pasted it on every available telephone pole in the neighborhood. Or done one of his own.
Sometimes, stories like these end with a happy ending. The dog finally makes it back home, after a long time out on the road. I hope and wish and pray that that is the case with this, too. Roxy is a good girl, full of loving energy. And she gave me (and my sister) three of the best gifts we could have ever gotten, in the slobbering smiling forms of Louie, Pete and Will.
I hope that Roxy is not in pain anywhere. I hope that she isn't on Doggy's Death Row--he has checked repeatedly, but no Roxy--and I hope, that if she was picked up by someone, they have a lot of love to give to her. That's how my family and I got our childhood dog: he followed my sis home from tennis practice and, after Pounding him for the requisite time to allow for his true owners to find him, we kept Merlyn and made him a loved family member.
I hope the same can be said for Roxy...if she doesn't make it back home.
Good luck to Roxy... and to your friend!
I'll keep my fingers crossed, and my eyeballs peeled for wandering Michigan dogs crossing (many) state lines.
I hope he finds her.
Everybody needs to get a little microchip insert for their dogs so they can be on a national database in case they get loose and somebody takes them to the pound.
Oh that really sucks.
One of our dogs went missing when we were wee, devastating so it was. He wasn't one to stray though, I'm convinced someone stole him from us.
I really hope she comes back to him. Crossing my fingers for yah!
Oh no! He must be going out of his mind. I hope she's in the neighborhood somewhere and back home soon.
A pet running away is beyond horrible. It's not like you can call them up and say "Come back, I promise I'll give you more treats."
Come back, Roxy. We'll give you more treats.
Thanks, all. I'm keeping my fingers crossed, too.
I do hope this story ends happily!
oh no! i hope roxy finds her way home safely.
That's terrible. My boy Rocky got out once for half an hour and I nearly lost my mind. I can only imagine the worry he's going through. Roxy looks pretty scrappy though, I hope she's taking care of herself.
I'm sure he's checked the pound lots of times but that's where my mom found her dog after a few days of worrying and searching.
So far, no news, but thanks for the thoughts, all. He has been checking the pound and he has put up posters...he even actually got a call--it was the wrong brown dog. He is bummed out--obviously--but I think he'll be all right. Better than I would be, that's for sure.
Fo' shizzle.
i can't believe it. i am so sorry. i hope it comes out all right and roxie is home where she needs to be. she is sure a sweetie.
That hurts my heart. :(
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