I think--I'm not entirely sure--but I think that I had the eggs in the boiling water for about 15 minutes longer than they should have been in the boiling water. I have the eggs on simmer, now. Kinda like whistling up at the sky and kicking at some dust, I am hoping that my brain-fart will be overlooked and that the eggs will not be ruined. That would be horrific.
I'll check in later with the results.
It's a wild and kah-RAY-zee Saturday night, here, in Adamland. Cooking eggs (badly). I have to beat the paprazzi of with a stick, I tell ya.
Probably just a little green around the yolk, right? I've overboiled many an egg. :/ You're so eggcentric. Mwahahaha. I know, it was dumb. I'm leaving now.
Beat the paparazzi of with a stick, eh? What's with your grammar lately? hehe.
I love hard boiled eggs though, even though they're stinky.
So? Did you test one? How are they? I need to know!
I usually just scramble mine. Put in a little half-n-half to make them fluffy and maybe some shredded cheese.
don't worry. Overboiled eggs are preferred because it confirms that they are not (a) raw, or (b) soft boiled (yech). I won't eat a hard boiled egg unless it has boiled for half an hour. And yes, just a little green around the yolk is the tell tale sign that they are perfect. Chow down.
Occassionaly I get on these obsessive cleaning binges. A few weeks ago, my sights were set on our fridge... throwing out bad food, pouring the 6 open bottles of BBQ sauce into one, cleaning it out... I also boiled the last three eggs that were in the fridge while I was doing all of this and decided when I was finished that I really didn't want them, so I put them back in the container (I too over-boiled them).
The next morning while I was at work, my partner took out the same eggs and boiled them for about 15 minutes. After taking a bite, he just about wretched. Apparently they eggs, boiled twice for 15 minute intervals, turn grey and taste like sulpher.
I'm glad I wasn't the taste tester.
No, Nan! Don't go! "Eggcentric" was hilarious! I am still LOL-ing! :-P
Heather: My grammar is suffering. I need to go back to school.
Yeah, the eggs were okay. Maybe an egg salad sammich tomorrow for lunch?!
Jay: Sage words, sir.
Lees: That is a hell of along time to hard-boil an egg! But now I feel safer eating them. =o] Thanks.
IF: LOL Yeah, twice 15-minute boiled eggs probably aren't on the short list of the greatest finger foods evah! :-P
It never occurred to me that you could over boil eggs but I suppose that makes sense.
Nine eggs? Planning a little Cool Hand Luke action?
I think you can, Bunny. I really do.
Sugar Kane?! Holy shit girl! I thought you was...um...busy. ;-)
I just found you. And I love you.
Well, thanks, Mel-Vina! I appreciate the kind wordies! I'll link you, too. =o)
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