I had picked up one of those fabric bags from the grocery store down the street from me. You know the kind of bag I'm talking about: Made of canvas, the bag is meant to decrease the use of plastics and papers by being reused every time one goes to the grocery store. I bought it for about two bucks and I'm sure all the little chipmunks and owls thank me for saving their homes. Anyway, I went to the store today to purchase some eggs and some shoelaces, some toilet paper (for pooping) and some shaving cream. I took my green bag with me, and filled it with my soon-to-be-purchases. I felt like I was doing my part for the Earth.
After blearily wandering around the store and sticking to my list--but substituting a chocolate cream pie for the unlocatable shoelaces--I wandered towards the front door, thinking that the ATM was probably located around the entrance.
I heard a sharp whistle from behind me. I ignored it and continued to the Chase ATM in front of me, right next to the entrance. Again, the whistle came and I had the sensation of a large mass of a person quickly closing the distance behind me.
I turned around.
A big man stood there, older, paunchy, with receding reddish-blonde hair slicked back from his forhead. "You can't be doing that with the bag," he said, standing about six inches from me. "You gotta use a cart. Take the items out of the bag and flatten it and use a cart. Or a basket."
His proximity annoyed me. I like my space. "Oh," I said, and stepped back. "I see."
I gathered that he was the Loss Controls Ossifer, or whatever the hell they're called: Big, invading my personal space, sweating Authority. In retrospect, I reckon I might have looked a little nefarious and a little guilty, the way I was walking towards the door with my bag filled with items, looking around, over my shoulder, looking for the ATM. I guess I was sweating Guilt.
"People gotta use baskets," he said, his voice a gravelly mess. [He might have had a cold. Thought and prayers to him and his family.] His eyes were baggy and it looked like he had high blood pressure, all squinty eyes and red florid face.
"I...understand, man. No problem," I said. I set my bag down on the ground, next to a caramel apple display and wandered over to the ATM. "I just had to get some money," I added.
"Or use these," he said, striding bowleggedly over to the baskets near the front door. He grabbed one and walked over towards me. I met him halfway and took the proffered metal handbasket.
"I wasn't going to steal this stuff, you know," I said.
"Yeah, well, we just gotta keep everything under control."
"I...understand, man."
I walked around the bananas and oranges and slid the basket across the floor, where it came to a rest next to my illicit green recyclable bag. That was my nonverbal smack-talk, as if to say, All right, dude. I got your fucking point. Now can I please use the ATM so that I can buy this shit?
Rebel roar.
If I had been in that same situation I would have either ..
1. Dropped the bag, raised my hands in the air and screamed "DON'T SHOOT MAN!!! YOU CAN HAVE THE BAG!! AND MY WALLET!! JUST DON'T SHOOT ME PLEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEZE!!"
2. Turned the bag upside down and dumped everything onto the floor at his feet and said "there .. bags empty now Hitler".
Hahahaha, Jay. He had a walkie-talkie in one hand and, I surmise, a price gun holstered behind his back. What an embarrassment: To be price stickered to death.
Ah. You had me worried for a moment there. Looking at the picture lead me to believe that Ollie had chewed the eco-friendly-bag-o-yers.
Now, Ollie don't get any chewing ideas!
Great story.
P.S. I'm anonymous. Shhhh.
Hi Anonymous. ;-) Meeg, Oliver is NOTHING if not filled with chewing ideas. =o)
I have start shopping in your neck of the woods. Nothing exciting ever happens here unless you count picking a cart that wouldn't turn corners unless I threw all my weight on it ... nope. That wasn't exciting. That was just ridiculous.
what an embarrassing situation. i think you handled it very well. i would probably gotten a real red face and started to tear up. inside i would be really mad because i knew i was being a conservationist and was very honest. however, i can see his point; because if everyone shops the same way, violators can be spotted more easily. but he could have been more discreet about it. kudos for your green approach to shopping, though! i need to buy some bags now.
I'm gonna have to go with Jay's #2 answer. I also would have added, now clean that shit up. You know what they say about assuming...
Melissa: I am ETERNALLY fascianted with those carts whose wheels won't turn. What happened to them? How did they get that way? Is the grocery store haunted? Do poltergeists and gremlins snafu the wheels? Did the grocery store have to lay off their Cart Wheel fixer due to the rising purchasing costs of cumquats and avocados? What happened?! Why won't the cart turn corners?! Is it turnaphobic?! Does it need a counsellor?! I NEED TO KNOW!!! ;-)
Boo-Boo: LMAO I can just see you tearing up out of frustation and the feeling that you had been a bad girl. =o) I saw his point, too. No harm, no foul. And the store was relatively empty, which was good. But I really didn't appreciate his show of Big-Man-On-Campus. Leave the peacockery at the zoo, dude.
AutumnLisa: What they say about assuming is that it makes an ass out Loss Control Ossifers? ...I'm at a loss, here. ;-)
I probably would have been kinda snippy with him and maybe even gotten pissed enough to leave my shit there and head out the door. Nice story!
Thanks for sharing what you plan to use the toilet paper for, I had no idea. ;) Heehee!
If only you had that incident on video, priceless.
Oh, I would not have enjoyed that. I do not like scenes!! And I surely dont want someone whistling like that, I'd have been so embarrassed.
Im surprised you carried the stuff in your bag though, LOL. It does seem similar to what people do when they steal, you know, LOL!
Tizzy: I was an extremely subdued smippy with him. ;-)
Nighthawk: Yeah, the look on my face would have been priceless. Kind of like a "whaaaa?" expression.
Izzy: Duly noted. And, yes, the guy was just doing his job. And I imagine that if I had been in his place, I would have been suspiscious, too. =o(
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