Friday, November 09, 2007


I was driving home from work today, anticipating the unbridled joy of a three-day weekend. Friday. Fun-day. And, in the past, "Time-to-Crack-the-Unending-Beer" day. This is the phenomenon in which one cracks a cervesca upon opening one's front door on Friday afternoon and not stopping the beverage-fest until around 11:00 on Sunday (or, in this case, Monday) night. Suffice it to say, one feels a bit woozy and sick by the end of the "party." So one cracks a hair of the dog on Tuesday and Wednesday and Thursday and--whee!--we're right back to Friday again. It's a viscious cycle, and it is a cycle that I am pretty happy to have broken. On the 7th of December, I will have not drank a truely alcoholic beverage for 365 days, also known as 8760 hours or 525,600 minutes. Or, for all you Minutians out there, thirty-one-and-a-half million seconds. So, yes, I am glad that I have a lot of clean time behind me.

But I still get cravings. Obviously, I still get cravings. Be it because I am happy or because I am sad or because the day ends in a "Y," I still get cravings. Like today, for instance.

I was driving home and I was listening to the radio and I was feeling pretty good, driving along Woodward Avenue with my arm out the window and I thought to myself just how damn good a beer would taste. And then I realized I needed cigarettes, so I pulled over at a liquor store and went inside. When I was drinking, this store would have been heaven. They carry all kinds of beer: microbrews, imports, name it, there's a good chance that they have it. The beer didn't really interest me, though, as I walked past the coolers to the small freezer section and selected a frozen burrito that goes by the name "The Bomb." I walked up to the counter, behind which there were oodles of different types of liquor and I bought my burrito and a pack of smokes and I got my change and I left the pit of snakes.

When I was walking to my car, I noticed a blink of blue out of the corner of my eye. Damn, I said to myself, that looks amazingly like a tall-boy of Labatt Blue. And something seems strange about it.

So I executed a picture-perfect double-take and my suspiscions were confirmed: It was indeed a big ole can of Blue and there was something different about it. It was unopened. I looked up and down the sidewalk. There was no one around. No cars, no pedestrians, just the can o' Blue, unopened and dripping with cold heavenly condensation. I would like to say that I said, "Oh, fiddlesticks," and returned the beer to the man behind the counter with the explantion that someone must have left it outside when they got into there car. That would have been the logical thing to do, sure, but when the hell have I ever been logical? I am an alcoholic in recovery and I have just passed my eleventh month of sobriety. It's not always easy to be black and white about some things. So I pocketed the beer and got in the car and slid it in next to the frozen burrito.

[Let me pause here to say that if that is not a delicious slice of irony--putting a virtual life bomb next to a foodstuff entitled The Bomb--I am not a bald man who wears his pants too high on occasion.]

Bombs in place, I pointed the car towards home.

The drive from that liquor store to my house takes about ten minutes. It seemed much longer. What're you doing, Adam? I asked myself. You're not going to drink that, are you? You've got eleven fucking months, man. Don't be a fool. You know what happens. You know how you get. Do you really want to start all over at the beginning? Will it be worth it?!

Of course it wouldn't be worth it. But.... But, come on, one fucking beer? 22 ounces of water and barley and hops? What the hell could it hurt? I am not a dummy. I knew what it could hurt. It could hurt all the progress that I had going for me and, even if I stopped after drinking that one beer, it would pave the way to future weaknesses. It would--yes! just having that one beer!--it would make it so much easier to rationalize relapse on a later date.

"Then why the hell is that beer in there?" I asked the brown paper bag. "Because you want it," I answered.

And the fulcrum teetered.

I got home and put the burrito in the freezer and lit a cigarette and looked at the can of beer. The angel and the devil were fighting on my shoulders, pointing sharp little fingers at each other from around my bald pate. In the end, the angel won.

I took a picture of the beer, snapped in an ominous light, and I walked the Labatt to the bathroom and cracked the top and--after inhaling deeply of the ambrosic odor--dumped the motherfucker into the toilet. That seemed fitting, to me. I know without a doubt that going down the Drinking Path will only lead me and my life into the toilet. So what more fitting grave could there be for the delightful beverage than a commode?

But--holy catfish!--that was a close one.


Heather said...

Proud of you,hun :)

Laura said...

It might have been close but you didn't drink, and that's what's important. Maybe it's a good thing it happened? You were so tempted but still had the strength to say no. Show's how far you've come.

Well done Adam.

Jay said...

Good job! Way to be strong there man!

? said...

I truly admire you for dumping that poison and holding onto your sobriety and recovery. It takes a MAN to put down his addiction like that. Progress, not perfection! ;-)

P.S. I love the horns and arms you put on the can. It's very fitting.

aleximac said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Anonymous said...

Wow. That is really hard to do, and you did it. More power to you, my brother!

Anonymous said...

ps - that was my deleted post.. something about the devil's snares. I deemed it too biblical.

Anonymous said...

and am just now noticing the horns and the sneer on our interloper, the Beer. nice job!

ok, bye now!

Anonymous said...


Super, super proud dude.
That took a hell of a lot of strength.

Anonymous said...

I'm VERY proud of you Adam! Way to take charge of your life, you're doing so well!

Adamity73 said...

Heather: Thankee-sai.

Bunny Bleu: I think it's a good thing that I didn't drink; it solidifies my resolve.

Jay: Gracias, senor.

Bottleblonde: Progress, not perfection. Sounds familiar. ;-)

Lexi-poo. Shucks! Now i want to see what the "biblical" reference was! =o) It seemed a little biblical to me, actually. Kind of like a divine test.

Thanks, Cassandra! =o)

Teasah: Thankee-sai, ma'am. I appreciate the kind words.

Adamity73 said...

Bottleblonde: PS, why do you cover your beautiful eyes with that black bar? Just wonderin'.

Anonymous said...

I'm so proud of you, Adam. The outcome of this situation could have been much different, and it is for many people. I'm glad that you're in a better place today, and you see the importance of your sobriety in your life. Good for you!

Anonymous said...

I admire you, beyond words.

Melissa said...

Oh man! I am so so proud of you for pouring it out. Fuck off, temptation!

Anonymous said...

Adam, You Rock! Looks like someone was testing you, but you prevailed! Remember, you are a much more pleasant person whilst sober. I do believe Labatts makes an N/A version that may satisfy your tastes. Keep up the good work.

Adamity73 said...

Thanks, KId! =o)

Anonymous: Laying it on a little thick, there, eh? ;-)

Missy: Fuck off Temptation, indeed. =o) And the Debbil cried into his steaming hand.

Lisa: Labatt Nordic. Fo' shizzle. Albeit it still has a *trace* of alcohol in it. By *trace* I mean that I would have to drink about 20 beers in an hour to even catch a slight buzz...and that ain't gonna happen, kiddo. ;-)

Anonymous said...

jeee-zus, adam! that was one helluva cliff-hanger! for whatever it's worth, there's a whole bunch of us in your corner, and I know you know that ... but you're the one that goes out there day after day and does the hard thing .. and that sounded really hard! it gives me goosebumps thinking about your resolve and your struggle, no shit! every day a victory and that was a big one ...congratulations!