africa that river in
africa that river in
africadam it
break the dam
send waters--salt--streaming
down the convexities of my face
that fucking river in africa
that fucking river in africa
break the dam
send waters streaming
to the corners of my mouth
i raise a cotton-candy
earth shakes
dam breaks
my fist is melted plastic
dry dusty tawny hides
feline grace
be lion-hearted
fight the sorrow
fuck it
let it come
let the tears purge
let it come
I'm too stupid to decode stuff like this, so if you want me to know what it means you have to just tell me. LMAO! Seriously. lol
hahahahaha, I know you're totally laughing at me and making a face...possibly and Mertz face, just leave your pants alone son....leave 'em alone!
Beautiful Adam. *hugs*
You're really very talented. It makes me jealous. :)
Oooh boy.
The river I'm wading in? Is this the river you mean? I'm not ready to come out yet.
Sometimes you gotta just let it go dude. No need to hold it back.
Hey, you OK?
Don't bottle it up, sometimes you've just got to let it go.
Beautiful prose by the way.
It's *supposed* to be vague, Teasah. =o)
Thanks, Nighthawk.
Aw, shucks, Cass. This is all that I can squeeze out. I have much more that I can't even put words to.
Yeah, Mel. That's the river. That fucking river. :-/
Jay: I'm not even really *trying* to hold it back, at least not overtly. It's just like a Texas-sized emotional kidney stone. It's taking its own sweet time.
Bunny Bleu: I'm okay, thanks. =o) It's a heavy family issue.
nice Adam ... you're a powerful writer, emotional and passionate ... and not afraid of being that even though it doesn't come without pain! my hat's off to you ...
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