As some dude named Barry Knowles, from aintitcool.com, said: "Brutal." That one word sums it up perfectly.
I have a strong stomach, I always have. Tonight, whilst watching the flick, something happened that has never happened to me before as a result of watching a slasher/horror/thriller. I actually gagged. Sure, Leatherface was peeling an unfortunate fellow's face off, accompanied by squishy, tearing sounds, but, good God. I'm never affected like that! Maybe I'm getting soft in my old age. It goes without saying (but I will) that "Chainsaw" gets two thumbs up from me. Any movie that can elicit a gag from me must have something going for it.
I don't think I've ever seen a more sadistic, violent movie. It kind of worries me, in a way, this trend towards increasing violence in film. Does our living in an anxious society perhaps embolden moviemen and writers? Is it a collective unconscious that continues to push the bloodlust higher? It's bad enough that we, as a society, are okay with these types of movies. What makes it worse is that computer graphics and special effects are otherworldly, now. They make it look so real. I don't know. I'm torn. (Kinda like the biker dude by the chainsaw.) I like watching movies like this (for some ungodly reason) but I also worry about the younger generation. This envelope is going to continue to be pushed.
The more things change...in the end, we're going to be back in the arenas of Rome, the Public only satiated with real-time, human acts of carnage.
Here. See me fly my hypocrite flag: I'm going to buy "Hostel 2" as soon as it comes out.
Ah, you know what just happened there? You got old. Seriously, the first indication of crossing the line is concern for the younger generation. Wait. If you are old, that means I'm older. I don't like that.
1) Why has the new blogger not forced you into submission? I was required a few days ago to take the new version--why are you so special? ;)
2)The scary part for me--what makes some people watch these types of flicks and become violent?
While not my favorite genre, I enjoy a good slasher film. I think the first 'scary' movie I saw was Friday the 13th, which is nothing in comparison to the films today. I am able to separate fiction from reality--but, why? I have never had the urge to stab a pitchfork through the beast with two backs nor do I think I ever will. The creepy factor is those that do have the urge.
Mel--Yeah, I thought about that when I wrote it, worring about the younger generation. Getting old, that is. But I am, as Nan mentioned below, able to seperate reality from make-believe. I really *do* have concerns about younger human beans viewing that kind of--yes, it is; I know--SLOP. Even 17- or 18-year-olds, I feel, aren't really emotionally-developed enough to see an obscenely horrific movie. Hell, age is a number--a lot of peeps in their 30s and 40s and 50s shouln't be watching the stuff.
Nighthawk--It kind of makes one wonder what that Bosnian killer at Trolley Square had been watching or reading, you know? Or, maybe, if he were indeed birthed in Bosnia, maybe he was privy to horrific acts during the civil war and thus was emotionally-bereft. He was 18. Old enough to feel like a man yet to young to fully process the loss of innocent life that he was going to propogate. Maybe he was just a nutzo. The world is far to fucking violent and it makes me sad. So I immerse myself in Apathy and watch movies and type on the computer and go to work and whack the weasal.
When does "Hostel 2" come out, again?
Nighthawk Redux--I'm special because I am special. Bottom line. ;-) I have no illusions that I will escape the Blogger Wrath, though. Is it way different? Be it a pain in the arse? Do tell.
I don't know Adam--I think the first clue that something was wrong with that poor boy was the portrait photo when he was 5--no emotion on his face--at 5, truly sad. And then there was the fact that he pulled a knife on his landlord at 10--but you know, to his family I guess that is what a 'good boy' is, because you know, he was such a 'good boy' after the fact. Very disturbing, very sad for all involved.
The new blogger seems to be the same...I haven't toyed around with it though. A few days ago, it told me I would only be able to access my posts one more time before I would have to switch--so I did.
And...hehe...you said 'whack the weasel'..hehe hehe. What did the weasel ever do to you that deserves a beating so severe it makes him throw up and shrink to a fraction of his manly height?
LOL, Nan.
Definite shrinkage. Poor kid's sick, I guess.
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