I was going to poke good-natured fun at myself and complain jokingly about the clothes that I haven't folded after washing (even though it has been over three days) and the messy state of my apartment and my somewhat-troubling addiction to pornography and the euphoric brain chemicals that are the result of placing my mind and eyes firmly in the gutter....
But, before I could even stroke a single key--yes, I said "stroke"--I noticed that Britney Spears was bald. Wait; let me back up, there, and see if I typed what I had intended to type.
Please hold. --Eagles "Life in the Fast Lane," Muzak version--
Back. Yep. Oops-I-Did-It-Again (her Native American name) is going with the Curly look. (Actually, I think she copied off of me.) Bald. Bee-Aye-El-Dee. Bald. Did I mention the fact that that cute little vixen from seven years ago now has none of her blonde locks left? Rather, she has a cue ball for a head?
Now, listen, some people can pull the look off. I, for example, think that I make it look pretty decent. Men, in general, carry it off better than women. Women with darker complexions carry it off better than lighter-complected women. Lighter-complected women with sharp chins and sharp features carry it off better than lighter-complected women with doe eyes and a slightly-undercut chin. Dear Britney is in the latter group with regard to the Chrome Dome Continuum. Why did she do it? I have a couple of theories:
Theory Number One: She has lost her mind. Not having much of a brain with which to start, it was a relatively short descent. Perhaps the fame got to her. Perhaps she longs for K-Fed. Perhaps she has syphillis and has begun the Madness Phase of that oh-so unfortunate disease.
Theory Number Two: It is common knowledge that she has recently checked herself into a rehabilitation center. I fully support her; addiction can be a bitch. Following that thread, I purport that Britney has absolved herself of her tresses as a symbolic gesture. Fresh start. Everything is new. Thus, why not shave the head? That makes absolutely perfect sense to me. Then again, I'm slightly insane.
She was also in a tattoo parlor when her "shocking new 'do" was discovered by the gasping Publik. Maybe she was getting a fresh-start tat on her right butt cheek. Time will tell as the story plays out, is news and then becomes played out. Wow.
(I included a picture of my clothes, just for the hell of it. Eventually, I'll fold them. If I can get over the shock of seeing Brit-Brit Bald-Bald.)
I had to visit egotastic.com and thesuperficial.com (terrible, terrible vice) to confirm the report that Brit is now bald.
I don't know what to say. Something is going on there.
Yes. Indeedalee-doodalee. Something is amiss. I think it's her BWANE!
Someone needs to save that girl from herself.
I'll go first.
When you're done, can you come fold mine too? I could use a hand. :)
sure, terry--i'll meet you there. just gimme a day or two to find someone to watch louie.
take a left at alberquerque, right?
Bring Louie too - It'll be a party! And Im NJ. A left at alberquerque might get you here, but it'll take a long time if you go there first.
All right, Ter, Lou and I are on the way...as Eddie Murphy was wont to sing, "Party all the time, party all the time, paaaarrrttttyyyy all the tiiiimmmmeeee!"
Note to self: Going through Alberquerque is a might too circuitous.
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