The title may make you think of a tell-all sex book about a former presidential candidate who French-kissed his censoring wife in front of thousands of people at a campaign rally, but, no. I'm talking about the other kind of gore. Blood and guts. Hoo-ah!
I watched "Saw 3" last night and, I have to say, I liked it considerably. The first one, as is usually the case, was the best one--in my estimation--but this one was good, too. There were a lot of twists and turns in the plot (albeit I think the writer was trying too hard to be "twisty," as it were) and the Gore Factor was off the charts.
Does that make me a less-than person to admit that I am more-than comfortable seeing intestines and decapitations and amputations? Naw. I think not. But it does say this: One, movies are becoming more and more about torture and sadistic pleasures and bondage and, two, desensitation is very real.
Remember hearing stories of people, while watching the "Frankenstein" flick back in the 1930s, fainting dead away? And nurses being on site? Over what, exactly? A tall shambling dude with crissy-crossy scars? Come on, folks. Welcome to the 21st century. I think some of those people would die of heart attacks if they saw some of the shit we watch today. I know this for a fact: There'd be a whole lotta vomiting goin' on.
So, anyway, back to "Saw 3." Jigsaw, Jigsaw; where for art thou, Jigsaw? Jigsaw is there, but Jigsaw is very ill. His brain tumor is giving him the business and so the jig is almost up, as it were. His underling, Amanda (hot in a self-mutilating, unbalanced whore kind of way), is being groomed to take the reins. Emotion is her Achille's Heel, though. I don't want to give away the story, but, suffice it to say, she did not listen closely enough to the wise master, Jigsaw, and much havoc was wrought.
You know what I like about the "Saw" movies? There ain't no happy endings. Everyone dies. Or do they? My bet is that there will be a "Saw 4" shortly. There's one character--maybe--who is left to carry on the mayhem.
If and when you watch it, keep your eyes open for these three four-star scenes: The scene with the naked lady, the scene with the medical student, and the scene with the judge and the pig carcasses. The only time I really got somewhat queasy--as I ate my pork-laden pizza whilst watching--was the scene in which these little (huge) piggies went to the market and the judge was the unfortuante recipient.
Happy viewing! ;-)
Postscript: In the previews, I saw a trailer for "Hostel 2." Uh-oh. "Hostel" was one of the most sick (in a good way) movies I've ever seen. Please, though, no more Japanese chicks' eyeballs. Please. I beg of you.
I love bloody, scary movies as well! I saw the first two...:0) and I want to see saw 3.
I saw the first one, but had to get up my gumption to watch the whole thing.
Missy wants to seesaw. Some people say teeter-totter. :)
LilMiss--Saw 3 was pretty good. Like I wrote, though, it seems like the writer was trying to be too "out there," trying to recreate the buzz (no pun) of Saw 1, and he came up a little short. I advocate it, though.
No titter-tottering allowed, Hermana. Must watch. Whole. Thing. =)
I too am a fan of the gore!
It creeps me out, but I watch. Hostel just about killed me!
That clown on a bike......
"Hostel", Nighthawk? That was just some sick, sick shit. (I enjoyed it.) How about the second of the three dudes to bite it? That Achille's tendon-cutting-scene really hit me in the gut. Not to mention what the dude looked like after that German fuck was finished with him. Ouch!
And, yeah, clowns bug me, too. Ever since "Poltergeist"... =(
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