The gauzy mist was back. Bringing with it the creatures of the night.
Most people can't (or won't) see the creatures. They fool themselves into believing that it is nothing but fog, that it is but a time to drive more carefully and watch--with peeled eyes--for bipedal pedestrians. Oh but I know better.
Oh but I know better.
As I prepared to sprint to a doggy "Comfort Area," I muttered underneath my breath to Louie, "This is but the beginning, Canine Lou. This is but the beginning. Today there is mist. Yes but to-morrow shall be Armageddon. Gotta go poop?! Let's go!"
And so we sprinted to a poop-drop and Louis did what he needed to do and but--oh!--I heard throughout the shrieks and the caterwauls of the Creatures Unimagined. Growing closer. Yes, always growing closer.
I can't wait to read the rest! This reminds me of a story I read once..may have been either Stephen King or Dean Koontz, I don't remember, but I think it was called The Fog maybe ;0)
It was actually called "The Mist" by Stephen King. It was a short story in the Skeleton Crew
I remember that one, Missy. Good story in a good book.
Adam, it was foggy as hell here this morning too. I didn't hear any caterwauling, but maybe I was still too sleepy.
I'm still waiting for the story about the lost communication/earthmover....this could make an excellent beginning to that story. What's it gonna take, money....cigarettes.....love and adoration from your fans?
Yes, it was, LilMiss. Ya got me! But that's exactly what I thought about when I saw it. Maybe I could go further with this, but you know it's gonna read like Steve-O's "The Mist."
Mrs. Carmondy and her World is Flat Club....
Well, Nan, it'll take nothing. I fear, though, that if I incorporate the mist into the yarn, the end result will be that of Steve King Light. But, you're right: This would be a swimmingly good jumping off point for the REVOMHTRAE/lost communication tale.
I's a-gonna get typin'.
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