I heard thunder a few minutes ago. And now the patter of rain soothes my soul. Thunderstorms in February? Oh, sure. It's like we say in Michigan: "You don't like the weather, wait five minutes." LOL! LOLz! HahaHA! ROFLMAO!1!
For dinner tonight, I had a bag of microwave popcorn with parmesean Goldfish Crackers and a bowl of Bear Claw ice cream, complete with whipped cream and Hershey's chocolate syrup.
I must be 12. Okay, maybe 13. For dinner tomorrow, I'll be having Geno's Pizza Rolls. And a Zagnut candy bar.
Post-coital bliss is a good thing. It should be bottled. And sold to dictators, despots and jingoistic American presidents under the brand name of Mell-Ohhh. Maybe it would calm people down, make them shinier happier people. Hell, it's a thought.
My sleep schedule got all ducked (mucked, clucked, pucked, shucked, fucked) up this weekend. I was on-call at work and I got called out at 11:00 on Saturday night. We got out to the job and, after heading back to the shop to bring back another backhoe (the frost-line was a motherfucker) we dug down to the curb box and found it to be blowing through. So...that was a bit of a job. We ended up getting done with that job at around nine the next morning. I went home after that, tired as a one-legged dog in an ass-sniffing contest, and I lay my head on the pillow and promptly fell asleep. Fell asleep for an hour and a half, that is, until work called again. The second job went for about five or six hours. So, all in all, though on-call can be a pain in the pooper, sometimes, it is tough to sneeze at 15 hours of double-time and three meal tickets.
But now my body and brain think that it is Wednesday...or Thursday. They are sadly mistaken.
I have to mention the Superbowl. What. The. Fuck? I mean, seriously: what the fuck?! How does a team that went 18-0 and set all types of scoring records and basically made the competition look like so many Pop Warner teams lose to a team that had to claw and scratch to even make the playoffs? It is simply unfathomable.
As Al Pacino would bark, "On any given Sunday!"
This is the biggest upset ever in the history of the National Football League. Tom Brady, uber-quarterback, finally didn't come through in the clutch. I reckon this just proves that he's human. (Although he does have movie star-good looks and he is insanely rich and he does fuck a supermodel whenever the mood strikes him.) In the Superbowl, however, he looked as mortal as Abe Begoda. And that's saying something.
I still have Christmas lights up in my front room. They are there to stay for a time indeterminate. I like the rosy red glow that they cast. I like how it makes me feel--perhaps--like I'm back in the womb, warm and safe...and bored out of gourd.
That's all for now. Have a happy Tuesday.
Post-script: That picture is of me at my friend Pablo's 40th birthday party. His finacee held it at a bowling alley. I bowled like shit, as did everyone else. That cake is a torso of a buxom woman dressed in a pale blue negligee. Two of the candles were placed strategically in the frosting where the nipples would have been. Mmm...frosty nipples....
For dinner I had spaghetti.
And a hamburger.
Then pop tarts.
And some left over pizza.
And yet, now all I can think about is wanting some damn goldfish crackers.
They're so good, I even crumbled some up and put them in an onion and cheese omlette that I made a couple of days ago.
BTW, healthy eating, huh? ;-)
Had you really been 12, you would have skipped the microwave popcorn--too much prep work. :)
That cake is the breast. OOOOh, I slay me. Now I want cake. Hmmmm. I might have to make a trip to the store. Thanks for that, I'll send you my cake bill.
I had a bowl of home made macaroni.
White chocolate jazzies.
And an apple (because it's healthy eating, see?)
I don't know what goldfish crackers are but I'm sure if I did, i would also want some.
Nighthawk: Send the bill to 1235 Iwoanpae Drive. LOL! A-hahahahaha!
Bunny Bleu: Goldfish crackers are little crackers, shaped like goldfish, made by Pepperidge Farms in Canada. They come in all kinds of flavours: cheddar, pretzel, parmesean, etc. Maybe you could order some o'er the Internet?
That was a brilliant dinner you had there. You should open your own restaurant. A place that specializes in dinner for bachelors. ;-)
As stunning as the Giants win was, I still don't think it was the biggest upset of all time. The Jets win over the Colts in Super Bowl III still stands as the biggest upset EVAH!
Sounds like a scrumptious dinner to me! Where's mine?
Sorry about the crap work schedule, but hello MONEY! That's the goooooooood part!
Take a nap or something, go dream about boob cakes! haha
That dinner is carbtastic! I haven't decided yet what I'll be having, but I suspect it will be along the line of Ramen noodles. And then a bagel with cheese. Ooh, or tuna salad on crackers! Wait, no onion. Or a Hot Pocket. Mmm, never mind, sausage and eggs. And a bagel. Yes. That's it right there.
P.S. Post-coital bliss is a good thing. Makes me sleepy, though.
Yeah, it is hard to sneeze at 15 hours of double time. Especially considering the first 10 hours were supposed to be mine.
Those parmesan goldfish crackers are better than sex!
Wait, no they're not. But they are damn tasty. :)
Jay: I still think this may have been a bigger upset. Were the Colts undefeated and obliterating scoring records?
Tizz: I'll send the meal via Fed Ex, along with the hat. ;-)
Mel: I don't know...that tuna on crackers sounded pretty good to me, even without an onion.
Lisa: I can understand your frustration. And I thought about you right when George called me. That's why I mentioned it to both him and Steve. Their take: The second oncall was just covering for the first oncall until the first oncall was ready for work. When they called at 11:00, I was ready for work. So they told me to come in. I'd be a little peeved, too. But I wouldn't make a big deal about it. Things have a way of evening out. It was just absolutely shitty timing. Marv didn't even get to the shop until after twelve.
AB: Crackers or sex? Cracker or sex? Oh, I don;t know...how about sex *on* crackers? That's the best of both worlds, I reckon.
Good eatings there to say the least. Broccoli for dinner tonight, yes farts for days.
Noc: Noc wittda broc. Broccoli is one of my favorite veggies. I happen to think that it is delicious either cooked or raw. But that's just me.
After reading this post, I went and made a bowl of warm oatmeal (note: the time was 2:30 am) then I wanted a bowl of Honey-Nut Cheerios so I ate that too.
Now it's 3:12 and I'm full, I won't need breakfast.
I should go to sleep, ya think!?!
But before I do, I'll Ramble On (*Led Zeppelin song) and tell you that I enjoyed reading this post.
And I have to comment with your Suberbowl commentary...
"This is the biggest upset ever in the history of the National Football League."
Really!?! Sweeeeeet.
I think Tom stayed up too late the night before with his super-model-girlfriend. You know what they say about women...
"Tom Brady, uber-quarterback, finally didn't come through in the clutch."
You said, didn't come through in the clutch. Hehehehehe.
Mmmmmm, frosty nipples from working when someone else was suppose to be working but you made all that over-time. Yeah baby.
Now lay down on a bed of cracker and let me sex you up under the ambience of Christmas-light-shimmer, leading you to recall how warm and snuggly it is inside of a womb, otherwise known as a uterus, where all dictators, despots and jingoistic American presidents came from or should I say cum from!?!
Yeah, I quack, smack, frag, drag, brag, fuck-myself-up. Going to bed now that it's 3:51 am. What?!? I did some laundry, folded clothes, did the dishes, some garbage and myself. What?!?
*Crosses fingers for a ice/snow day
"Now lay down on a bed of cracker and let me sex you up under the ambience of Christmas-light-shimmer...."
Lay down on a bed of cracker. LMAO
I hope you had a nice refreshing sleep, hon. =o)
yeah, but we both agreed... Midnight to midnight. I don't feel that it was very friendly of you. So... You did tell George and Steve?
Lisa: Yes. Yes, I did. I told both George and Steve. (Do you think I'm fibbing?) Steve knew about the midnight to midnight and his reasoning was that by the time everyone was ready to go it would have been after 12:00. And I told George about the agreement and he retorted that 2nd oncall was covering for 1st until 1st was ready, which I was. I didn't intentionally look to screw you. I couldn't say no to the call-out, for Criminey's sake. In fact, I even asked George if he'd called you first. I went out of my way to be sure that both the dispatcher and the supervisor knew the situation. That *is* friendliness and that *is* done with a conscience.
I couldn't have done anything more.
Not very friendly of me? Again, friendliness has nothing to do with this. I made my point to them and they told me to come in. And that was that.
Like I said, things have a way of evening out. They really do.
Okay, Adam. I didn't know all of the details. I appreciate that you mentioned this to both of them. That makes me feel alot better. I see that it was steve's doing. But anyways... We are still buds. I was just a little upset and didn't want to talk about it in front of everyone at work. Steve never mentioned that to me (of course!). Hope u are feeling better. Perchy misses u!
And that is probably why I heard some tension in your voice that night. You felt uncomfortable about what had happened. They stuck you between a rock and a hard place. You are friendly. I didn't think you would have done something intentional. I just didn't know all of the details.
It's all good, Lisa. Like I was saying, I wouldn't intentionally try to screw anyone for hours, let alone a friend. I can obviously see why you'd be miffed, though. But, yeah, a rock and a hard place.
And, yes, that was why my voice was kind of tense. I felt like a thief. There you went and were willing to cover for me (if needed) and then when there finally was a call, the timing was atrocious and the deal that we had rendered seemed to be a moot point as far as the company was concerned. You'll get yours, though. There is no doubt in my mind that the hours will be coming your way. It's Karma, kid.
As for Perchy, I highly doubt that he misses me. :-P
I'll be in tomorrow. J-j-joy.
YAY! Hat!
Dude, you are like family to me. I am glad we can talk like mature grown ups. (Like most people cannot) Hope u are feeling better soon. Hope Meegan is doing alot better. Haven't seen too much of you two. Take care. Daisy is sick too. How are the boys?
Picture of a hat, T? I'll see what i can come up with. =o)
Lisa: I'm sorry to hear that Miss Daisy is sick. Hopefully it's nothing major? As to me being mature: yeah, about 12% of the time, i am mature. ;-P
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