Anyway, I found neither. I ended up getting some other CDs, one of which was N.W.A.'s 1988 release Straight Outta Compton. Blast from the past, eh? An acronym for Niggaz With Attitudes, N.W.A. was basically a rap super-group which counted as its members such icons of gangsta rap as Dr. Dre, Ice Cube, Eazy-E, MC Ren and DJ Yella.
The second song on the disc is "Fuck Tha Police." The chorus sounded for the first time, and I found myself vehemently barking, "Fuck the police!" I paused and started laughing to myself. There I was, a somewhat mild-mannered, mid-30s white guy, driving the speed limit, safely seatbelted in a silver Ford Focus hatchback in an affluent suburb of Detroit. I was about as far from Dr Dre and the other fellas of N.W.A. as I could be.
Yet, I felt an affinity towards them. They m'boyz.
I, too, have had run-ins with the boys in blue. More than a couple of times, actually. Of course, every time I had a problem with the law, I was a million sheets to the wind and I can't really blame them for doing their jobs, ridding Suburbia of sodden belligerence. But, still, the animosity remains. Fucking pompous do-gooders. Strapped egos sauntering about like Hands of God.
Fuck tha Police, indeed.
One of these days, my childish, churlish attuitude towards our beloved protectors will change. Until then, I am,
Gangsta Adam
[Now excuse me. Heavens to Betsy, but the dishes are piling up!]
I always get a bit of chuckle out of people who say, with all sincerity, that police officers are honest and decent people who wouldn't lie under oath and don't have a big authoritarian streak that causes them to pick on average citizens just because they have a badge and a gun.
Sad, naive people.
I love that picture.
And your shirt! Represent. :)
just found your blog, through Jen Bun.
love it.
and hello, by the way.
Jay: Yeah, coppahs ain't always the dudes in the white hats, that's fo sure.
Bunny Bleu: Sho' nuff! :)
Caleal: What UUUUUUUUPPPPPPPP?! Reppin' the three-one-three up in this bee-yotch! Um, yeah...I like the shirt, too. Go Tigers!
Tia: Hey, thanks! Welcome to the "madness," m'lady. I hope that you enjoy your stay. Feel free to link to this drivel if you want to.
"Somewhat mild-mannered" made me laugh. I think it was the qualifier "somewhat".
See ya, gangsta!
word, g.
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