Double-overtime between the Pistons and the Cavs. Lebron played 51 minutes and scored 48 points and had his usual collection of rebounds and assists. To finish the game, he scored 29 out of Cleveland's 30 final points. Um. Yeah. Every time he threw up an off-balance jump shot, I was thinking to myself, Okay, this one isn't going in. He can't keep hitting these shots, can he? He could. He did.
I am truly amazed that this guy has been able to live up the hype that has surrounded him since he was a player at the small Catholic high school in Ohio. No one can live up to that kind of hype, can they? He can. He does.
Every time the Pistons threw something at him, he matched it. Every punch had a counterpunch. I hate the result but, I have to say, this is the best game I have ever seen and, assuredly, the best single player's performance I have ever seen, Michael Jordan's 63-point game notwithstanding.
Another thing that amazes me is that Lebron James has, for all intents and purposes, put his team on his shoulders and is poised to take them to the Promised Land. I know, I know: Cliche-City. But I write it because it is, metaphorically, true. Who else could lead this collection of schlubs to the heights to which they have climbed? The only other player--and this is blasphemous, so cover your eyes if you're easily offended--is M.J., Michael Jordan.
Simply amazing performance. My hat is, reluctantly, off to "King" James. The bastard.
Hi Adam! I'm not a basketball fan, so settle for a big howdy from the hawk wouldya?
LOL. Howdy back atcha, Nightie!
Playstation abilities, lol.
He had a fine game, all right.
And now we can look forward to even more annoying commercials from him.
I was never a big MJ fan, Larry Johnson was my guy, but I loved this pair of Jordans.
http://webpages.csus.edu/~sac96395/jordan%20ii.jpg My dad wouldn't buy them for me becuase they were 'boy' shoes. It's the only time I remember being told no.
lol Great! I ask for a new post, and you post a totally BOY post. Now all I can comment on is Good Morning! :)
Haha, Terry! ;-) I'll write about my knitting circle (jerk) later today. =o)
Melmac: Yep. Unfortunately, the dude couldn't miss. =(
Sugary Wondah: I don't know, some of his commercials are just fine, IMHO. I actually like the ones in which he plays different characters. But I am a sports geek, so that may essplain it, LooCee.
BTW, Suge: Cool shoes. As long as women don't have mustaches and back hair (or chest hair :-O), I am a BIG fan of them being tomboyish. It's actually quite a turn-on. Also, must be nice to have only been told "No" once. :-)
For the record, I was in 4th grade. And I only have hair in places I should!
*shines her tiara and places it on head*
There ya, go, Sugradidah: Perfect fit. =)
Matt asks, "Why didn't anyone punch him in the mouth?"
Nuff said.
Matt makes a hell of a good point, Meliss. The pistons shoulda knocked his ass on the floor. Slowed him down. Done whatever it took. Argh! :*(
Matt says, "'Cause the bad boys of yesteryear wouldn't have let that shit happen."
Anything else, honey?
"No. I think that says it all. I'm talking dunks, layups, uncontested."
LOL, Meliss the Stenographer.
For Four-oh-four in the morn, you kids are pretty damned coherent! =o) And, yeah, Bad Boys that mofo.
It was a rather late night. Up at 8:45 a.m. with the boys, haven't been back for a nap yet.
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