I am also trying to eat better. Fuck the hamburgers from Wendy's or McDonald's or Burger Chef. I read somewhere, once, that there are around 200 cows in one Big Mac. Not the whole cow, you understand--that would be one huge motherfucking Big Mac!--but, rather, parts of around 200 bovines in una hamburguesa poquita. Um. Talk about over-processed! So, yeah, I've been trying to eat healthier. But...ice cream with chocolate syrup after a big-ass salad? There seems to be a conflict of interest, there. But...maybe not.
If you'll look to your right--my left--you'll notice that there is a snapshot of a salad. The salad is inundated with the yellowish-gray and bright white goodness of three hard-boiled eggs. Also included in the masterpiece are: a tomato, some slices of onion, some shreds of carrot, and an avocado. I topped the shebang with Gorgonzola salad dressing and a shitload of black pepper. All I can say is, "Mm-mm, good."
I'd like to say that I was spurred into action by the declining health of some of those close to me, but, unfortunately, I think it has more to do with me being as narcissistic as a mirror. But, whatever. If I get healthier, then motivations be damned!
[Here is an interesting--to me, at least--side note: I looked up "narcissistic" in my handy dictionary because I hate it when I mispell (LOLz! English major humor!) when I write. Hold on. That's not the interesting part. No, RATHER (that's for you, Meliss) the interesting part was what I found in the dictionary. There was no listing for "narcissistic," but there was a listing for the root of the word, "Narcissus." Here is where it gets interesting. He was a character in Greek mythology, of course, but what I found interesting was that when he "fell in love with his image in the pool of water," he didn't fall in and die, but RATHER (another bomb, Meliss) he was transformed into a flower. I guess I was way off-base. I'd always thought that he'd fallen in to the pond and drown. You learn something new everyday (one last shot, sis). Amazing.]
If only I could feel so motivated. :-/ I really hate looking at myself in the mirror lately.
I need to get motivated myself. I have decided that I am going to start going country line dancing again (great aerobic exercise) and I even dusted off my old boots ;0p. That salad looks delish by the way! I am hungry for one now ;0)
Thanks, Adam. You done me proud. Of course, you make me proud everyday. <- ha! right back at you
And glad to hear you're taking an interest in your health and diet, whatever prompted it.
Your post was inspiring. I just made a kick ass salad for dinner. Cheers!
Heather: I know the feeling, kid. But the blessed endorphins make everything rosy. =o)
LilMiss: Country line dancing, huh? I'll be there with a 10-gallon hat and spurs...and nothing else. :-O
Melissa: "Everyday?!" Ack! My eyes! They're...melting!
Enjoy your salad, Sugary One. They taste great--and!--they're healthier than, say, a fried headcheese sammich.
Mmm ... fried headcheese sammich
@ melissa--what is it with you people and sammichs? (bad santa)
Bring back the man tits! ;)
Good for you! Now, how exactly does one boil an ayg?
Nighthawk: I appreciate you're support, but I think that you spelt "eg" rong. :-O
And...if you want the man-tits, you shall have the man-tits. Anything for the Bird of the Night.
Great work Adam. I soooo need to give healthy eating a go but it's tooo hard because well I dunno...I eat healthy at home because I have to but once I leave that door there is a whole world full of fast food and I just can't help myself!
Oh and don't worry about the ice cream because it gives you your calcium hit for the day :)
Wise words, Rum-Mum! =o) Calcium, in any form, is good. BTW, those tacos looked deeeeeeeeee-lish, Elish!
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