Wednesday, April 30, 2008


This just in: bathrooms get dirty and they need to be cleaned more than once every blue moon.

My God! I need to wear my glasses more often! Anyway, that's all I've got.

Carry on.


Frank said...

You say once every "blue moon." What is that, like 6 months? Because that's usually how long my roommate and I go before one of us breaks down and busts out the brillo pads and industrial-strength cleaning agents.

Jay said...

Self-cleaning bathrooms would be a great feature in homes. Or a maid. Either way, that would be nice.

Heather said...

Umm yeah good call there :P Ew.

Nanette said...

Someone has a chemical store! Ha! I suppose you forget if you have all those special cleaning potions between blue moons. ;)

JenBun said...

@ Frank, because I am Wicked Smart: A "blue moon" is the second full moon in the same calendar month. Rare, indeed. Do NOT use it as a scheduling tool.

Adam, I do NOT like cleaning in general, but for some reason I really enjoy cleaning the bathroom. Of course, that is a girl's bathroom, and we all know that is WAY less gross than a boy's bathroom! :P

Me_Again said...

Adam, your money all you need is a little bleach and water! But then again, you only purchase cleaning items, what maybe, once a year!?!
I'll remind you to wear your glasses in the bathroom--your welcome :-P

Melissa said...

Now I keep saying sordidos in a really obnoxious voice. Thanks, man.

Adamity73 said...

Yeah, it's got to be baaaaaaad for me to clean it. I'm about as far from that stupid bee-yotch on the TV whp says, "My toilet is the cleanest in the neighbourhood--and if you don't believe me, you can come and look" as Pluto is from becoming a planet again. ***Overwrought Simile Alert!***

Jay: I'm-a with you on that one. =o) How about a self-cleaning maid? That'd be cool, too.

Heather: Thanks! =o)

Nighthawk Nan! As I live and breave! Good to see ya! :-D I didn't buy those cleaning products...'tis just a photog from the Webby. :)

JenBun: That a girl's baffroom is cleaner almost--almost, mind you!--goes without saying, eh? ;-)

Meegie: Bleach and agua...old-school girl, huh? =o) :-) :)

Missy: Are you rolling the Rs and putting the stress on "dos"? Good. Almost like a Meh-HEE-cahn-no bandito, no? (Ahhhhh, the illiteration!)