So, today, I have made my mother proud. I mopped the kitchen floor, cleaned off the refrigerator, organized the photos and magnets and other not-so-pertinent knick-shit-knacks on said fridge, I cleaned off the stove, I debated organizing/tackling the "junk" counter (saving it for later), and I organized the chemicals that I have on the top of the refrigerator.
And now it is sunny again.
Louie and Oliver have been casting uneasy looks at me (mostly Lou) for the last hour or so, apparently nonplussed by my manic cleaning. Get used to it, kids. I am sick and tired of living in a "house o' skank," a house that has dust everywhere and secretive grime. Oh, and dog hairs. I am sick of them, too.
To paraphrase (and I'm not quite sure that one can paraphrase an axiom), here's another of mi mamacita's axioms: "When your house is clean, it makes you feel so good." Sho nuff, C-Money, sho nuff.
A clean house, or a clean mind. Take your pick!
I've had this photo of the boyz as my desktop background at work, for at least a month. Love it! love it, love it, love it. I like to tell people "Ollie is the dominant one!" - but secretly Lou is still my favorite.
i am so proud of you. i wish i had read this earlier because i just couldn't get with it today. our house is so dirty i could plant inside. instead, i went outside to try to plant that lettuce that i started down in the basement. it should have been transplanted weeks ago. anyway, i am finding that i can't really get down on the ground very easily, so the whole planting session was very taxing on my knees. after i planted half, i had had it and went inside, poured myself a cup of brew, and finished reading my new book--the whole truth, by the guy that wrote the 'collectors'. he also wrote 'absolute power', made into a movie with clint eastwood. it was the kind of book that is hard to put down. as a result, i had a minivacation instead of working. good for a while, but the work still remains. so, again, i am proud of you for taking good advantage of this crazy weather.
Dude, go help your mom plant ;)
A clean house really really does make you (or at least me!) feel like a gazillion times better.
Also, to jay: you really think Adam has to debate about the dirty mind? ;)
Speaking of which, I really ought to tidy my room......
Nice work, Adam! A clean house does make a person feel good. You'll have fun with the junk counter. Getting rid of clutter makes a huge difference and doesn't take long at all - it's usually just filing A, pitching B, and putting C in a drawer.
Happy Sunday! xoxo
I must admit, I have managed to (slightly) overcome my hatred of cleaning now that I'm in charge of my own apartment. I spent a lot of time last night cleaning the kitchen and living room, and although it wasn't fun, it was nice to say, "Well, now I can have people over without having to apologise for being a complete slob."
Jay-Jay: A clean house--definitely. ;-)
Alexis: That's really neat that you have this photo as your wallpaper. Lou and Ollie thank you for that. What about it did you like, besides the fact that Lou is indubitably THE cutest mofo on the planet?
BooBoo: Aw, shucks. :-) I wish your knees felt better. Have you considered knee amputation? That could make the pain go away. :-P
Heather: Ayup. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Or so the saying goes. :)
Hell yeah, you shouls, Bunny. I hardly even walk in there! :-P
Miss Melissa: Happy Sunday to you, too. One of these days I'll follow your sage advice. You've only told me about that three-step process about fifteen thousand times. ;-) (And I appreciate it each and every time.)
Franklin: You are afflicted with the same "Anglo-ization" of the written language as me. However, I usually just stick to the British "U"s. Usually I leave the "S"s instead of "Z"s alone. :) Then again, a big part of why I do it is just to bug my sister Melissa. It seems to work RATHER well. :-P
I was going to say something here...
... and then I read Jay's comment and realized that I've made my choice...
I've busted my ass for the last two days cleaning the downstairs, the car and the garage. Do you think anyone would notice? Damn kids ruin EVERY thing.
Good job getting a burst of energy! :)
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