With my brainpower firing at--at most--a quarter percent, my eyes had seized upon the words "caress," "brazillian," and "pussycat dolls" and so the battle was lost before it had even begun. Clicked I did on the link and I was actually disappointed to see a Pussycat Doll blathering on about winning a trip to Aruba, or something. And then I was treated to a nice jazzy number--audio only, no visual stimulation--of the knockouts crooning in their oh-so inimitable "girl band" style. (True musical geniuses, these women are; let no one tell you that any hot group of girls, accompanied with studio-generated percussion and spacey effects, could sing the same way--they'd be yanking your chain.)
I guess I was expecting a razor and some shaving cream...and a nice geometrically-true landing strip.
Wow. I can't believe I clicked on the song. I really should have known better. That sucked :P So now I share in your disappointment, if for entirely different reasons ;)
Poor Adam. What a shock that must have been.
Anytime anyone mentions Brazil all I can think of is Brazilian super models. Adriana Lima, Giselle Bunchen and ALL of their sisters!
Heather: Up at 3:30 in the morning, huh? Dang. :-( Come on, now, you *know* that song was pure gold.... ;-)
Missy: It was horrible. :*(
Jay-Jay: Brazil sure does seem to have its fair share of hotties, huh? Then again, so does the good ole U.S. of A. Shit, who am I kidding? There are hotties all over the globe, in every corner, in every nook and cranny. :-D
False advertising! You should sue!
Er... uh... misleading advertising? And you should... write them a sternly worded letter?
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