We had a good time at the zoo. Among some of the things that I pondered:
I love seeing the animals that I don't see but for on TV or in the movies, but I view them with a twinge of pain and a twinge of guilt. They're (obviously) not in their natural habitat and, though the zoo does all it can to make their prison a comfortable one, it remains just that: a prison.
There was a huge--and I mean HUUUUUUUUGE--silverback gorilla in the great ape environment. At first I hadn't noticed him because he had sort of blended in to the "boulder" upon which he was leaning. This dude was huge. And when I say "huge" I mean fat as a motherscratcher. It made me kind of sad. He was all docile and leaning against the boulder and, had he been wearing pants, they would have been the kind that Jarod from Subway squeezed into before gorging on submarine sandwiches and walking everywhere he went. Dude was fat and huge and lethargic and I was glad that I had gotten the chance to see him. See the Kellerman, there?
We also had the good luck to see a tiger. In my opinion, the tiger is the true king of the jungle. The way he moved was a joy to watch: sleek, rippling muscles...he just seemed to glide wherever he went. While we were watching, he took a dip in his pool, stayed in there for a spell and then--whoosh!--expelled himself from the water, the moisture like a transient sheath behind him. Nothin' but power.
We saw a bear. I think it was a brown bear; it wasn't as big as a grizzly. He wasn't doing much but circling his boulder...around and around and around and around again, his huge spade-like claws clipping against the rock.
Camels and peacocks were there, too. And lizards and anteaters. Anteaters, by the way, are some of the funkiest creatures I have ever had the pleasure to look upon. Their head? It's nothing but a nose. Shh. Don't tell anyone.
One pretty cool thing the zoo offered was something called the "Australian Outback." 'Twas an open area, where the zoo-goers stuck to the path and the kangeroos stuck to their fields. There was no interaction betwixt the two factions, fo' shizzle, but the guides did tell us not to feed the 'roos nor make loud noises as one of the female kangeroos had a fresh joey, ostensibly snuggled up in her pouch. Pretty cool, nonetheless. I got some snappers, but my zoom ain't all that great on my camera so they didn't really turn out too well.
And now...I'm worn out. It was a lot of walking. Made more difficult by always keeping an eye on the yo'wins. But, it was fun. To all of you scoring at home, my favourite animal was the tiger. And that, my dear friends, is why he glosses the top of this page.
When I last went to the zoo we saw chimps shagging.
Damn chimpanzee had the biggest set of balls on him I have ever seen. And the lady chimp. Well she was swollen something...did not look comfortable or child friendly for that matter.
But at least now, I can safely say that I can recognise two chimps in the middle of congress if I ever had to. Cos that's a useful skill.
sounds like a great way to spend the day. i have that ambiguous feeling also at the zoo, but i know the planners try their best to keep the environment as close to home as possible.
remember jessica? she first worked at the aviary and then at the penguin house? and another of my friends is a volunteer with the kangaroos. and they both love their animals and do their best for them. and the educational benefits for the zoo goers are great. so, it will always be a bit of mixed emotions, i guess. i'm glad that you all had a great day.
Laura: *That'd* be something to see! :-P
BooZindee: Actually? I saw Jessica. She was still blonde and still doing the feeding of the penguins. The more things change...
Sounds like a great day, Adam, and I'm glad you and the kids got along. Hope and I should take her kids there sometime this summer, I think. Why do I not remember Jessica? The name sounds familiar, but I can't quite remember ...
Glad to hear your date day was a successful one. I need to go long periods between my zoo visits for some of the same reasons. But when I do go? Im always amazed by the animals. A couple years ago we went to an aquarium and saw beluga whales gettin it on. Now THATS a sight to see. lol
Sounds like a winner man, well done. The last time I went to the zoo was with a few musicians; one of which made fun of a gorilla imitating him. Sure enough and as rumour hold true, that gorilla picked up a pile of shit and threw it at him. Damn that was funny.
Alas, your outing sounds a bit tamer and combined quality time to boot.
Cheers man
Melissa: Jessica was that blonde lady that worked with the penguins. Very little to no makeup. Hair always back in a ponytail. Do ye remember now?
Tesa: "And ladies and gentlemen, if you'll direct your attention to the right. That thing that looks like a Volkswagen? It's not." ;-)
Nocturnal: Yeah, it was a pretty good time. My questiont o you, though, Mr. Nocturnal, is if the gorilla had good aim or not. And you're right: If that doesn't sound like a cliche, I don't know what does. ;-)
I love the zoo. Unless it a zoo that keeps big cats in small glass cages. Those places suck.
The last time I went to one, in Omaha, there were two gorillas having a fist fight and a polar bear dancing. Great entertainment.
Ginny? The new love interest? Why isn't anyone questioning this....I am way behind the times it seems. Ah, nevahmind. I think I remember you solicting suggestions for date ideas. I'll shut up now. :O
Rrrrrroooooar. Glad you had a great time at the zoo with a lady and her nephews. :D
Jay: Gorillas having a fist fight?! Wish I had seen that!
Nan: Sure. A love interest. I'm gonna have to stop writing about them--though I do so with genuine excitement--because every time I do, the "relationship" goes south soon thereafter. Amazingly consistently. Then again...women! Who the *hell* can figure them out?! I'm pulling out my hair, here. :-P Oh well, what will be will be. I'm just not getting good vibes. But I've been wrong before.
I have a friend who is in charge on non-mammal aquatics at our zoo. I was able to go behind the scenes and play with the octopus. It was awesome, but you're right. I felt really sad.
just browing blogs this evening and found yours. great little place you have here. i will have to come back to visit again sometime.
Hey Sugar Kane!!! Good to see you! I agree with you but I have to say, if "playing with the octopus" isn't a euphemism waitin' to happen, I don't know what is! :-P
Hi, Andromeda (strain)! Welcome. Pull up a chair. Enjoy yourself.
I'd be sorry not to have your love interest updates, but It's your blog world... and Im a female and I cant even beging to figure myself out some days... dont feel bad. lol
LOL, Terry. What *is* it with you creatures? Then again, part of it was my bad for jumping to conclusions. I tend to do that often. :-/
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