"Bad Newz Kennels" is located on a property owned by Vick in Surry County, Virginia.
I don't know where to start. Okay. Here:
I have always enjoyed watching Michael Vick play football. His natural talent is amazing and he seemingly pulls moves out of his ass on the gridiron, making defenders look either incompetent or old or just plain stupid. Jockstraps are littered all across the fields of the NFL. Though he is, as a throwing quarterback, merely average, his legs more than make up for his mediocrity.
That being said, these allegations sicken me. Dogfighting, in general, sickens me, but this shit is just fucked up beyond all recognition. Listening to sports radio and reading the newspaper and the Internet has revealed that, allegedly, Mike Vick and his cohorts are particularly nasty to the dogs. Dogfighting is brutal, inhumane and a degeneration of humanity, but the way that they allegedly "disposed" of the animals that couldn't or wouldn't fight the way that their owners wanted them to fight? It literally disgusts me. Electrocution, drowning, hanging, shots in the head? Are you fucking kidding me?! Here's the worst way, though: Apparently, allegedly, one or more dogs was dispatched by its handler by slamming it repeatedly against the concrete until it was dead. I'm just fucking flabbergasted. How the hell can people be so damned...monstrous?
It's sadistic; they're sadists. They get off on their feeling of power, their feeling of machismo.
That's the only explanation of which I can conceive. Let us keep in mind, lest we forget, that many of these dogs were virtual puppies, killed after they were either too torn up to continue or killed before they even started their unasked-for "career" because they hadn't shown the "killer instinct" in the whelping pen. Puppies.
How? How can a person have such little regard for life? Life of any kind?
There was one guy on the radio that called in to a popular national talk show that asked the host why he was busting on Vick? Was it because he was a black athlete with a shipload of money? Um. The caller also opined that it wasn't like Vick had killed people, that they were just talking about dogfighting. Just. Okay, jackass. Nothing wrong with that. There's absolutely nothing wrong with raising a thinking being--in this case a highly intelligent and loyal and yes, fierce, breed of dog--from birth, to fight to the death against another of its species for monetary gain. Nothing at all. Unbelievable how cold and damned demonic some people can be. So fucking uncaring.
I keep coming back to the mental image of a young dog, perhaps badly injured, being picked up bodily and flung against the pavement, bones breaking, blood pooling, eyes going hazy, respirations becoming shallower...flung repeatedly against the pavement by an outraged "owner" until it was, mercifully, dead. Because it lost. Or wouldn't fight. Or lost him some money. Didn't hold up its end of the bargin to which it had never agreed. Macho men, huh? "My dog is fierce, yo." Fuck you. Motherfuckerz. I really hope that, if the allegations stand to be true [and, seriously, if the Feds create an 18-page report, there's got to be fire with all that smoke, right?] they get their just rewards. Throw the book at them. Show no leniancy.
If these allegations are true: Mr. Vick? Mr. Human Highlight Film? It was good watching you play. Have fun in the clink. Later, cock.
Grrrr. (I sound remarkably like a member of Lou's family at the moment.) Anyone who picks on innocents - animals, children - makes me so mad. It's horrid and inhumane and makes me seething and brokenhearted at the same time.
I know, I know. When I read that yesterday, my heart broke. I can't even imagine the horror--now, I won't spoil the end of Hostel 2 for you, but that would be a fitting end for fuckingassholevick.
I don't really have a lot to say, I think you just about covered it. I actually have no clue who this Vick person is...
I hate hearing about cruelty to animals. These people are disgusting, it's not macho to abuse an animal in such a horrific (or any) manner. It doesn't give them any credit, all it does is shows them for the pathetic dickwads they actually are.
When I saw this story I thought my blood was going to boil. Fucking assholes. Just as you said Adam, I cannot fathom how someone could abuse, fight, and kill an innocent animal. I have always felt that people guilty of animal cruelty should be dealt the same punishment that was inflicted upon the poor creature for which they were responsible. If they bashed those poor dogs on the ground, then they should be flung to the concrete and made to suffer as the dogs did.
I sincerely hope that he gets what he deserves and not just a slap on the hand because he's a famous QB.
Im not much of a crier but just thinking about what this son of a Bitch did to those dogs makes me tear up. Of course some dim wit has to turn this into a racial problem. "its not like he killed people" Fuck , killing innocent animals that havent even gotten a chance at life is right up there with killing a person. Now excuse me while i go plot how i would torture his sorry ass if i ever get my hands on him.
Wow, dog fighting...so very sad!
Thanks for the visit to my blog. I will be back to read more.
Matt told me about this last night and I almost puked, I was so pissed. Animals shouldn't suffer, period. And to deliberately kill them using tortuous methods ... I hope Vick and his cronies spend a very long, supremely uncomfortable time behind bars.
"to fight to the death against another of its species for monetary gain" ...I think it was more a sexual thing.
And why should he have changed his lowlife attitudes once he turned Pro? It's not like he got any proper education in college...
You're rant was perfect, A. I'd second you on everything.... but you ain't as good as Kramer :D
I didn't read all of this, because I don't want to hear about the gory part. But I did watch parts on the news lastnight. It's sickening. I hope he gets the book thrown at him!
I've never been a Vick fan, but I never thought I would hate him so much. I read parts of the indictment and it's really very disturbing and truly disgusting. Vick and his buddies are really freaking sick and disturbed individuals. I hope they fucking bury him.
A fair punishment would be to hose him down and then nail him with a taser, much like he did with those dogs.
I'm beyond sickened by this. My beloved canine companion was rescued from a Chicago dog-fighting circle when she was just six weeks old -- the horrors she escaped are inhuman. Really, truly inhuman, because I don't understand how any human can have so little regard for life, especially the life of intelligent, loving, loyal creatures like pit bulls. It disgusts me. (How many more ways can I say "ditto"?)
Heather: I'm right there with you. I haven't even viewed the video...yet. It may make me tear up.
Nighthawk: God! I *have* to rent Hostel 2! I'm assuming it's out on DVD now?
Laura: Mikle Vick is a highly entertaining quarterback who is dazzling on the gridiron but, apparently, an entitled sociopath off of it. >:-(
Missy Little: I agree with you on the "eye for an eye" take. Obviously, it's not going to happen, but I *do* have a feeling that he ain't gonna be gettin a slap on the wrist. And even if--highly unlikely--he does get a sugar-sweet deal? His career is probably over. The outrage this event has raised nationwide has made that oh-so apparent.
Missile: I'm sure that if I saw the videos I'd tear up, too. It truly is heart-wrenching. And, of course! Because he is a high-profile black athlete, some buttfucks are going to turn it into a racial thing. I reckon that goes without saying. However, if a white or green dude was accused of doing the same thing, I would have the same EXACT take.
Bardouble29: Welcome! Please do come back. =o)
Melmac the Great: I know. It's fucking disgusting. And tortuous. And i *do* think that they'll be seeing some prisontime. And I'm supremely fine with that. Innocent animals, trained from birth...there is something just sadistic about that.
Queenie: I think its "allure" is the vicarious chest-thumping the ingrates get from having the fiercest dog. To me? Cowardly. I CAN NOT believe that someone would throw *your* kitten into a pit bulls attack range...though, sadly, I *do* believe it. What the *fuck* is the matter with people?!
Corwin: I agree that most people are cast from their earlier life experiences. I think that, unfortunately, Vick didn't distance himself from his boys from childhood. I also think, however, that, from what I have read and heard, he gets off on this kind of brutality. I think it's a sociopathic, sadistic streak in a man who often felt that he was above the rules because of his supreme athletic abilities. That people would look the other way.... Uh. No. Not on this.
Angelic Voyeur: I think he will, actually. Definitely in the NFL, where Roger Goodell is trying to make the league more family-friendly. And also most-likely in the legal world...Vick and his fellows have quite a laundry list of felonies that they racked up.
Jay: Right. Long live Hammurabbi's Law. I spelled that wrong, but, yeah, an eye for an eye. They truly are disturbed. Just a total lack of empathy. As to his prowess on the field, I always enjoyed watching him get out in the open field and run...I think they have him dead to rights and I think he will be buried. And I say "Good."
Kelly: Six weeks old. Six. It's amazing, isn't it? At six weeks old, the puppies aren't even really old enough to be seperated from their mother, let alone trained to fight against other LOYAL and intelligent dogs. The whole mess just sickens me, too.
Adam, I couldn't have said it better myself. The allegations turned my stomach. Let's all hope he gets what he deserves.
Y'all, PLEASE write a letter to the NFL to encourage them to suspend that monster from the depths of hell. You can use this link from the Humane Society's web page:
:) love
Your brother: Yes. Let us pray. [bows head]
Flacker: Welcome! You know what? I think I just may do that. =o)
If what I've read is true, I hope that fuck dies a horrible death just like the dogs he killed.
Fucking cunt.
Yeah, it's amazing, isn't it, Nocturnal, that someone could be so uncaring and sadistic.
Becuase he's Michael Vick he'll probably get a slap on the wrist. What a jerk.
Sugary Wondah: I'm not so sure. This seems a bit more serious and far-reaching than commonplace athlete transgressions and I think that it will be dealt with accordingly. At least I hope it will.
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