My dog has an aversion to eating, sometimes. I was in the living room playing Tiger Woods Golf Oh-Seven and there was quietness coming from the other room. Thinking that he might have been at the back door, needing to go Outside, I got up and, perhaps a little too quickly, walked into the kitchen where Lou was dining quietly in the dark. My hand bumped against the stove as I passed through the doorway and Louie jumped as if goosed and backed away from his food bowl as though it were molten lava. His eyes were wide like a spooked horsie. I felt that I had to walk--ever-so-slowly--to his side and pet him and tell him that all was well, that he was well within his right to eat his kibble. That, in fact, I
welcomed it. I wonder if a Freudian doggy psychologist would, after conferring with my canine, tell me that his look of :-O stems from when he was a puppy and I, always late for work and trying to expediate the process of eat and go-Outside-and-poop, would sometimes forcibly guide him to his little puppy bowl of food and growl, "Eatcher foo', Lou! I gotta get goin', damn it!"
If that be the case, Lou, I offer my most sincere and humble apologies.
Oh poor dog! :)
At least you know he won't get fat.
He'll get over it eventually, especially if you add a treat to his bowl every now and again. Pete comes running when he hears me take out the can opener, just in case it's dog food I'm opening. It's usually something boring like green beans, though. Poor doggie.
Laura: Yeah, Lou will *NEVAH* get fat! He's too energetic. =O)
Meliss: Give him some beans! Why you gotta be a witholdin' mama?! =-P
Awwww.....I think your diagnosis is spot on.
A big kiss on the noggin from me...he is so damn cute!
Hey whats with that photo of him?? When I first looked I thought he had face-planted something... looks a bit like he's got a big abrasion on his noggin.... looking closer it's just the effects of the pic! Phew!
Maybe you need to have a few 'family meals' you know sit with him when he's eating, talk about the weather and chicks and boy stuff. Teach him it's okay to chow down on some tucker.
Nan: I think so, too. I've had a few peeps tell me that I'm high if I'm crackin all Freudian on the sit-chee-aye-shun, but, to me, it just makes sense. O! to be a dog-whisperer! Kiss on noggin complete...many times over. I smooch the kid as a matter of course--I'm Reddi Whip softie.
DreaOzza: Yup. A leetle Photshoppin. I wanted to give him a pained expression and but then I kept on going with the effects. That's...how I roll. As to the "family meals" wherewithin we speak about about barometric pressure and bitches? That actually sounds like a great idea, but Lou instinctively knows to hang back when the Alpha Male (me?) is eating. I'll give it a shot, though. I think some gravy might be the equalizer. ;-)
Poor dog, spoil the lad rotten like a good owner. :)
I do. I do, indeed, Noc. =o)
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