Time to play a game. Courtesy of The Sugary One, from Crazy and in Charge (which, coincidentally, is my kinda woman!), I have been tagged to play a game of "Chinese Freeze Tag." Why it is Chinese and why I have to do it while I'm freezing my nuts off, I don't know, but here are the rules: I'll write 10 psuedo-interesting things about myself or habits of mine and then I'll do my damnedest to "tag" 10 other people to do the same thing. There are no tag-backs allowed and, hopefully, this is the kind of game that will allow us bloggers to get to know each other better. So, 10 things about me:
1. I have an extremely addictive personality. I do everything to excess. Drinking, smoking, self-love, whatever...it's all done above and beyond the checks and balances of moderation. Case in point: I have just started to play God of War 2 for the PS2 and, already, I am hooked like a fucking fish. The game is incredible and I find myself still playing at one in the morning, slamming coffee like water and chain-smoking. Ah, fun times.
2. I went to college right out of high school (the 'rents were paying for it) and I attended Michigan State University for a year-and-a-half (coming home because I missed my family and friends) and Oakland University in Rochester Hills, MI, for the remainder of the time. I graduated with a degree in English and I now work at the gas company, a job I could have had straight out of high school. Huh.
3. But they can never take that degree away from me; nor can they take from me the "college experience." Right?
4. The "college experience," for me, consisted of my being painfully shy and self-conscious and get puking drunk on the weekends. Surely there must have been more to advanced learning than that? Please tell me yes.
5. I like all kinds of music, save for two genres: cheesy rhythm-n-blues love songs and opera. Country music is down there, too, but I can stomach Garth Brooks or Faith Hill a hell of a lot better than I can Puccini or Toni Braxton. (Now, physically, Toni Braxton, is a different matter all together. I could stomach her, yes. I'm not so sure about Puccini, though.)
6. I am pretty ambidextrous. I can shoot and make a three-pointer in basketball fairly well and , in softball, I am more comfortable batting left-handed, as I can see the ball better. I also play Disc Golf, and I "drive" the disc sidearm right-handed but I putt and throw approach shots backhand left-handed. It's just the way it's always been.
7. I love geography. I love looking at maps of the world or maps of the United States or other countries. I love geography and the like but I often find myself turned around, going in the wrong direcetion, when I am driving in an unfamiliar area around town. North and south and east and west took their damned time revealing themselves to me.
8. I eat pretty much anything. I do not, however, eat egg foo young. Something about it...the aftertaste, maybe? Then again, I haven't eaten it in almost 20 years. Maybe I just had a bad batch of the slop. Who knows? Maybe I'll try it anew. Maybe I'll have a conversion. I doubt it, kind of.
9. I am a fan of violent movies. However, I am not one to watch a violent movie, or play a violent video game, or read a violent book and then go out and take the violence to the streets. Huh. Novel concept, that. Maybe we don't have to act violent if we saturate our minds with violence. Maybe something like free will is involved.
10. I believe in extraterrestrial life. Don't you?
Well, that was pretty fun. Hopefully it wasn't too boring and hopefully there were some interesting moments there for you, dear Reader. And, now, per the rules of the game, I have to try to scratch out 10 other people to "tag." This could be tough. Also, I know at least a couple of the people are either out of town or preparing to be out of town, so but anyway, I tag:
Little Missy
My sister Melissa
Nighthawk Nan
Snickersnack Katie
FTN, and
I feel like a dork, linking at people, but, hell, I had to come up with ten, y'know? I really would have loved to tag "Crazy Jay," on the RSM comment section. I've always wondered just what the makes that guy tick.
Oooooh Debi Kiontke will like you !!
Link: http://cmkxtruthandjustice.blogspot.com/
Aw, I feel loved! And based on #1 it's some good lovin.
Finally, someone who chooses PS2 over Xbox. I was starting to loose faith in mankind. Knockout Kings is the shit.
LOL, Sugar. In fact...yes. =o)
PS2 *is* the shit. I'm going to *want* to get PS3, but I sure as hell am not going to *want* to pay the exorbitant price tag. Something like 4 or 5 big ones? No thanks.
Anonymous? I? Wha-? Did yo--?
Confidence is good.
yeah, as much as I'd love to get a PS3 I can't bring myself to do it. Being a responsible grown up sucks.
And how, Sugary, and how. =o(
Awww Adam, I'm at the top of your list, I feel special! I will get right on that list sir!! ;0p
Shy?? Cannot imagine you ever being shy Adam!
I also eat everything, there isnt much i dont like...not a picky one over here.
Im also with you on the violent movies! Nothing better than blood and gore :-)
Thanks for tagging me, I'll get on that!
@ Missy: You betcha! ;-) Take your time, though. I know how you like to space out your posts. ;-)
@ Missile: I've gotten over my shyness, somewhat. I used to be really friggin' bad, though. :-O
Ha ha Adam, I don't really "like" to space out my posts...I just haven't been very inspired lately. I'm working on it though ;0)
Talking about uninspired...me, too, Missy Little. I was looking at my blog, saying, and now what, again? =(
Maybe I'll write a poem. I'll make it all rhymy.
ET phone home! Your momma wants you to wash up for dinner.
Tag, I'm it. In a couple of weeks....maybe the hotel will have free wifi...hmmmm.
Ok Adam, I finished it! See, you've inspired me ;0)(and it didn't even take long)
@ Nanny: Warshed up and et, ungh-hngh.
@ Little Missy: Damn! Speedy Gonzales! ;-) I'll go check it out.
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